When I try to share my video footage to any email or social platform, all I get is the spinning wheel of nothing taking place. I have had to transfer my
Wyze video via cable to my Windows PC and then run it thru a video conversion process to make it useable.This has been goong on for a couple of years and yes now even with my new OG cams.The file shows it saved as a MP4 but it has something else going on because it will NOT forward off my Samsung.Help me someone
Are you sharing from within the gallery in the Wyze app or your phone’s gallery? Both use Android’s sharing interface, I’m suspecting it is probably something within the OS that is causing you problems and not the Wyze app.
Download the video clip into file folder.If there is another option I have no knowledge of it. I have had the same issue after removing it from the sd card.Something in the video seems to stop it being shared. Impossible to send in any of my email accts.I got lucky one time moving it to youtube by accident and it went thru and shared it on my channel.
Welcome to the Forum, @sockeye_eddy!
How are you trying to share the video? Are you using the Share button inside the Wyze app’s Album and then selecting your recipient/target app from the drawer that opens up from the bottom? If that’s the case, then I wonder if you’re describing the same funkiness that’s been affecting some iOS users and causing problems with sharing videos from the Wyze app. I noticed just recently (and described in that topic) while sharing a photo from a Cam v4’s Album within the app that the file didn’t attach to my message like a regular image, so it makes me suspicious that Wyze is doing something goofy with their implementation of the Share feature (like how they apparently add the “Captured by WYZE” message now when videos are shared that way).
If you’re using some other process, then describing step-by-step what you’re trying to do that is stalling out might be helpful for those who want to assist.
You also mentioned this:
I’ve noticed in the past when trying to use FFmpeg to concatenate the 1-minute video segments from the microSD card that I’ve had to force a change to the audio encoding, otherwise I get an error and failure. That makes me suspicious that Wyze is using an unusual pairing of video and audio codecs that they’re packaging into their MP4 containers, but I haven’t tried to do a deep dive into that. Seems like that could potentially be part of the problem, too.
Since you mention saving the video clip in a folder (presumably on your phone), there have also been reports of people having problems viewing (or even seeing) videos from their phones’ galleries because of the way Wyze is naming both the video and still images that apparently are saved (with the same name but different file extensions), though I don’t know if that could be part of your problem or what the current status of that particular issue is.