Cancelling annual plan

I need to cancel my annual plan. Where do I need to go to do this?

If you are talking about Cam Unlimited

Go here: Wyze Services

Then tap on Manage next to your Annual plan, assuming it is camera related and not HMS.

Then Tap on Edit Plan, which will be available in your selected plan. When the next screen appears, it will show you information and then on the right side near the bottom of what is displayed, it will say Cancel Plan.

I went through mine, so if you are talking about Cam Unlimited, you can click the following link:

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Just remember, you can cancel it, but it will stay effective until the plan end date and no refunds.

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For canceling, does it matter where the OP purchased Cam Plus? Wyze site, Apple or Google?

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All of the above are fantastic comments. If following the instructions spamoni listed doesn’t work, it probably means you ordered the subscription through the app which means it was actually through Apple or Google and not Wyze. So you may have to go into the app to cancel it. Go to the account tab and subscriptions and try to cancel from there if it didn’t let you do it on the website.

Wildbill’s point is critical though. You can’t really cancel a subscription, you can only cancel the auto renewal of a subscription. So, the subscription itself will still continue until the original end date and then just not renew or charge you again. Neither Wyze nor Apple/Google allow prorated refunds on canceling the subscription early.