Can you use a wyze camera and connect to your tv for viewing?

My wife works frm home and her office is set up in a windowless room. I am wondering if there is a way to use a wyze cam to hook up to a smart tv to have it act as a window to see whats happening outside. Kind of like having a room with a view.
Jim M.

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If your tv has chrome cast (mine has the chrome cast built-in) you can use google home and google assistant to view wyze cams

All depends on which camera you are curious about. I would defer to @R,Good on this as he has successfully streamed on different devices:

He also purchased the 15" Show and is able to stream on that as well.


I deleted it but the most recent Wyze Newsletter had a really cool solution for a windowless room

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If you have an echo show, firetv or firestick, or a fire tablet, I know you can view cameras on them with the Alexa Wyze skill enabled.

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Obligatory plug for using TinyCam to view one or more WyzeCams on a FireTV stick in an HDMI port (or perhaps installed or sideloaded as one of your smart TV’s Android apps). Much more flexible and reliable for continuous viewing than the Alexa based routes.

Screen mirroring.

I have Amazon Fire Stick on my TV and can live stream my any CamV3 to the TV. Won’t support my doorbell though. But, the audio lags horribly. There is a post about it in tips and tricks; Amazon Firestick / Fire Cube Device Dashboard - Access To Wyze Devices

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If I want to see the cam on the TV I do screen mirroring also via my iPad to a Roku. I’ve only done it twice to check it out with the iPad and the iPhone, worked great.

So just use TinyCam on that stick and get doorbell support too. So worth the $2.

I use many Firesticks and Shows for viewing my Wyze Cameras as well… but here is the article I referred to above that was featured in the Wyze newsletter last month. More of a “Window” feel.

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Is Wyze
gonna ever integrate Wyze app
For download on Apple TV

Probably never!