I just discovered that if I activate Alexa and speak “Show Smarthome” on my Firestick remote, Both my Wyze cams show on my TV. Not at the same time BUT its large and proud on the bigscreen.
This is a plus for me!
I just discovered that if I activate Alexa and speak “Show Smarthome” on my Firestick remote, Both my Wyze cams show on my TV. Not at the same time BUT its large and proud on the bigscreen.
This is a plus for me!
You can also get there by tapping the microphone button once and selecting smart home.
Getting the Alexa device list up is the easy part. Actually getting live stream video to play is another. Doorbell is still unsupported. Sound quality is also unusable.
I tried to get my WCP and V3 to display/stream on the screen and in both cases she said the device isn’t responding - check its network connection and power supply.
My V3 do that on a regular basis. Hit or miss if they will stream. I have better results streaming in TinyCam.
Oh My Goodness, this works so so well. I have an old LCD TV in my living room, in a corner so I can keep an eye on football while watching NASCAR. (No wife to tell me that I can’t have more than one TV in the living room. Not even one of my own.)
So, I have a 4K FireTV stick in that TV too. Using this “push the Alexa button”, technique, I can access the menu and bring up the Wyze cam there. And other than this method, I’ve not been able with any routine or command get Wyze cams to come up on the Fire stick. Oh MYYYYY.
Thanks for this tip. wow.
How is your V3 audio quality? Mine skips in and out. Wondering if it is just my equipment.
As a TV its acceptable. But this camera looks down a street and watches for people/cars. They are too far away for 90% of the view. Its only as they pass to the right of the camera do I hear anything but only sometimes. People walking by don’t have enough volume. So, I am not a good test for your equip. Sorry.
Thx for the reply. It’s not that I can’t hear distant things, the audio stream literally skips completely in and out every second or two almost like it is buffering. Yet the video stream is constant. It’s like listening to a cell phone conversation when the other end is loosing signal… Can you hear me now?
I have the 4K as well. If I press the microphone and say “Show me the ‘Cam Name Here’” she will say OK and then try to show the live feed. It is mostly successful on my cams that have been given critical router priority, hit or miss on the more distant cams.
She doesn’t work for me, when I do that. Well, she tries, but then says that “something happened, or something went wrong”. I don’t remember exactly.
Mine could actually be skipping too, I don’t have enough volume to hear a constant voice.
If you pay the $2 or so, you can bring up one or more cameras on the Fire stick by saying “launch TinyCam”. This is usually faster than the “show me” command.
The audio thing sounds like normal squelching? Sound cutting in and out as it hovers around a preset noise level. My cameras have always done that and it seems “normal”?
Thanks. Don’t mind the $2. I may try that again. I mean, I tired Tinycam and could not get any camera to stay up but for a few minutes, the blacked out.
Also thinking about trying the Sonoff new CamSlim. It has that RTSP feature without giving up viewing we use here. Sorry, can’t remember the term for viewing live.
Somebody start from the beginning and type really slow for me…
How do I get my camera on my Fire Stick?
LOL okay
On the Firestick press the Alexa button one time. In a few seconds a menu, will appear. (This is new) And in that menu is a Smart Home choice. Select it and press once. Your Smart Home devices will show. You can move the cursor across to Cameras or just look through the “all” list until you find your cameras name. Move/select it and press once on the 'remote home button." Ta-Daaaaaa !!
Not sure if this translated in the linked topic, or if it is relevant for you, but you first have to have the Wyze Skill enabled in Alexa.
If you ever have time to take a picture I would be interested to see the result!!!
Please elaborate. Who is taking the picture and of what?
Just in case anyone is considering, FireTV Stick 4K Max which is $54.99 has a $20 discount to $34.99 right now. Ran across it by accident.
This week, I was watching a new Automate Your Life video where Brian showed in detail how to turn Echo Studio and/or Echo/Echo Dot 4th gen using a TV Stick Max into a Home Stereo. That’s how I came across this. And thought I would try because these sound on newer super thin TVs is so bad.
I’d also been looking at Echo Dots because of the Person Detection for triggers vice Motion Detection with sensors. The person detection is working pretty cool. So wanted to look for more Dots. Also noticed they have a sale on Echo Dot 4th gen. Price for buying second is almost free. Well, whatever, but bought 2 pair for $54.xx for each pair.
Just sharing.