Can Wyze work with YouTube live

Will wyze cameras work with youtube live or not and how if so?

TinyCam Pro is compatible with Wyze cameras and has a live streaming setup page preconfigured for YouTube.


SO I have to use another app on top? and it ont work on a compter screen just a android device?

As @Customer implied, the Wyze app and cameras won’t work directly with YouTube. You need an app like TinyCam to do what you want.


ahh ok so not like other cameras that can do it…

The tinyCam dev calls it a ‘swiss army knife’ for IP cams, and it’s not an overstatement, I think. You may need the pay version ($4, enables on all your devices) to do the Youtube streaming (?) but the free version is pretty ‘abled’ on its own.

Runs great on Bluestacks Android 7 emulator, too.


Correct. For starters it’s not a traditional webcam; it requires a “cloud” login. And only a couple of 3rd party apps can accomplish what you want.

The Wyzecams are not intended to do what you’re looking for.

I just saw a live done with a Wyze cam, and after inquiring about that I found it being discussed here and another thread. I also found a youtuber who showed it being done on his phone. I might give TinyCam a try sometime with my birdfeeder and/or chicken run. But when you’re doing it with youtube, does your phone have to be at home while it’s being done?

Hi, Ann. Good question. No experience with that function yet.

Here’s my tinyCam brain drained, FWIW… :slight_smile:

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