I currently own 30 Cameras on 3 different properties
V3, V4, OG mostly v3, and a couple V4 and Og.
I am in NST time zone UTC -330 Newfoundland time zone.
This is a unique time zone in North America.
All camera are out of sync for playback and every minute as playback crosses to the next minute it jumps 30 minutes.
I see other users with the same issue in Nfld. Assuming it’s a software issue as these all worked great until the last 6 months or so.
I find it nearly imposssible to navigate playback of video. I have buildings out of town and playback is critical for me.
All cameras have an SD card. All have updated software per model and as well current versions of the app.
Is there a target for repair of this in upcoming software updates.
It would be sad to change out to another camera network as this stage as the Wyze system has worked so very well for my needs. I have sold all my friends and relatives on this brand and they all are pleased except for this new glitch.
Welcome to the forum, just so you know this is a user to user forum, no active Wyze employees here. You can search the forum for possible solutions or you can reach out to customers service.
All camera have been time synced multiple times. All cameras have been power cycled off. Disconnected from power and turned on and off in the app.
I have both android and iOS devices up to date software. It’s the same result regardless.
Wow. I have never lived in or traveled through a non-standard time zone. (Been to Goose Bay for just a short layover. I need to plan a trip.)
I thought that the cams got their time from cellphone Wyze app (I do see your point.)? I remember people complaining about different zones when they travel outside of their home time zone when accessing their home cams. I guess the cellphone syncs correctly due to the nearby tower.
NTP which I’m guessing the cams use (they don’t contact the app, they contact NTP directly as far as I can tell) just returns GMT. You need to have the offset (time zone) in there as well. Sounds like they’re missing the 3.5 hour non standard one.
I’m guessing the time zone probably is grabbed from the app when you set the cam up, but not the time itself.
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I don’t have the off-by-30-minutes time zone issue that you do, but I’ve experienced other geography/time-based issues with Wyze devices and services that have me baffled and wondering why they haven’t been addressed. The problem you describe can’t be completely unique, so I hope Wyze will choose and implement a workable solution for you and others.
There are 3 properties in 3 different towns on 3 different wireless networks.
All cameras show the correct local time zone which is the same UTC -330
All camera sync to correct time zone and show the correct time on all. All cameras have micro SD cards.
It’s only the playback of recordings from each camera that has the issue. Pick any recording section from any camera and the recording plays back however when it crosses to the next minute from any recording piece, the playback jumps back 30 minutes, then plays that minute and when crosses the minute and jumps ahead 30 minutes to the original chosen plus the minute elapsed while it was on the previous 30 minute offset.
Also if the recordings times are erratic meaning they were from motion activation then the jump can be more than 30 minutes. Or the closest to it.
Pretty irritating.
If the time is displayed correctly but only playback is affected sounds like some form of bug.
Have you tried formatting the SD card in the app? Perhaps some folder structure that got set up initially, before the cams got their offset, is causing confusion. Long shot, but worth a shot. Playback issues are frequently due to SD card problems, but yours does sound like a bit too much to be coincidence.
Newfoundlander in FL with the same problem. It is beyond irritating to the point I am seriously considering scrapping my 6 cameras and moving on. It’s unbelievable to me in 2025 that a timezone bug still exists as a problem for any type of commercial software. The playback is basically useless, it being impossible to select a specific time to view. It jumps seemingly randomly all over the place. It’s incredible this is not fixed already.