Cam outdoor

WOC is a disaster. I have trashed mine; Not interested in helping Wyze develop another
disaster AKA doorbell camera.

I completely agree, Its been a problem since I got it. Right now, its no longer working, wont connect to the (incredibly hot-running) base station, which also loses signal despite being plugged into the router with a cat cable. I removed it from the base station and tried to reinstall it and now it fails that. Its a $60 set of bricks that are using electricity with no value. #returnit

Yep. You are right. The camera does not record motion. The memory card in the base station does nothing. The memory card in the camera requires you to remove it to see images (if they really exist). I would like to return mine and get my money back.

Well I thought I was doing something wrong. But I guess mine is the same as everyone else’s.
I get a video on my phone, without any notification.
When someone nears or a tree limb swings in the breeze.i can get a recording manually in the app or a photo. SD cards are empty cept for manual

There is an SD port on both the base station and the outdoor cam. The SD card in the cam is only for Manual recordings, time laps, and scheduled recordings (and maybe travel mode? IDK)

The SD card in the base station is for the “normal” recordings.

So my question is, do you have an SD card in your base station, and are your videos there?

Yep, sd card in base thats still a virgin…nada.

In the settings for the outdoor cam there is a setting to “backup to base station” can we assume you have that enabled as well?

If so, I would contact support. It’s clearly not working as intended.

Found I do have an option better than returning my Death Star look-a-like paper weight.
Person Detection pay what you want option email came today for early users of Wyze products. V2 and Pan cams only. Suggested payment was 1.49. So I selected $0. When I earn back the amount I’m out for the paper weight WOC … I’ll reconsider.

Not totally satisfied but feeling better about it. Still not going in on early adopter opportunity’s again.

EVEN if they offer a bandanna to go with the cowboy hat!

Yes backup checked.

I’m sorry to say it, but it sounds like your cam has a problem. I would strongly recommend contacting support.

Wyze support phone number: 1 (844) 999-3226

How about a cowboy hat, bandanna -and- a good hunting dog? :dog2:

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Well based on the outdoor cam, that dog would have one blind eye, A leaky bladder and three legs!

Maybe not. But on surface that almost made me waver!

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I just got my outdoor cam and after setting up, we noticed that when having the speak on to talk to person setting it up, it squawks really badly. Is there a fix for this problem? It’s like a high pitch squelch sound. Please help!!!

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No, that’s a feature I’m afraid…

The WOC i had never spoke to me, qr code scan etc. Tried the mike and the WCO sounded like an angry bird. I just assumed it was how id didn’t work.

It is to make any intruder believe they will shortly be under attack by Angry Birds.

When I was setting mine up either the speaker or the base started talking to me. I did not understand a word it said. It sounded like a one dollar transistor radio from the 60’s. But I don’t need it for that so not a big deal for me.

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All wyze cameras have poor speakers

Ya forgot to tell 'em the angry birds are a subscription item

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Well, week 5… still at 69% battery life… getting about three or four motion detections alerts a day… Person detection is rock solid… Getting notifications in less than 30 seconds, usually…

I just have it pointed at a small bird bath out on the deck so it’s not real busy, but I’m impressed so far…