Cam outdoor

Correct, not on the WOC. Sliding off thread a bit. . . does this mean a firmware update from uSD card is not possible?

Hmm, if someone stole my WCO and has their own base station…are you saying they couldn’t pair it with their base station?

I bet you are correct provided I never delete the stolen WCO from my base station. However, I would think that removing the WCO from my base station will allow the thief to pair it with their base station.

If you have official documentation regarding this I would definitely read it. :dark_sunglasses:


Awesome and thank you! Now I have a new question. If I have more than one base and wish to move a WCO from base-A to base-B. According to the information you shared, I must delete base-A and the WCO currently attached to base-A from my account in order to associated the WCO with base-B. That would be a major drag if I have other WCO’s currently associated with base-A.

Obviously for the scenario above to come up I would be “heavily invested” in WCO. If I was that heavily invested in WCO, I do not think I would like this “security feature”. As someone who is not heavily invested and only has one base station, I like the way this works!

I’m not 100% sure but from reading that article it sounds like as long as both bases are tied to the same account it sounds like you would just delete the device from base A and add to base B

Hello All

For those who have bought more than one WCO and are not particularly happy with battery life and are in a quandary about what to do with a second or more WCO, consider keeping a standby camera as a swap-out for one whose battery is low. For example, “Back Yard A” and “Back Yard B”, when the “A” camera is low on battery swap it for “B” and charge up “A”. When “B” runs down, Swap in “A” and repeat the cycle.

For those cameras with touchy aiming setups, consider making a dedicated aiming support for the camera in a collapsed compact configuration. Swapping out a camera is as simple as placing on the support shelf in a squared-up fashion. To keep the camera in place on its support a magnetic or physical edge barrier or both could be used. To actually swap-out cameras, a fruit picking device could be used, reducing the need for a latter.

The picture below shows a typical L-bracket with a magnetic position keeper. This is for a V2. It can be sized and adapted for a WCO.

Aiming is as simple as squaring up the camera on its support. The screw is fake and the power cord is obviously not needed.
The moral of the story is if you can’t swap out the batteries, swap out the cameras.
Victor Maletic.


:peach: :peach: Vic that’s a peachy idea

Hello Big _monkey.
Free stone or cling?
Either way a fruit picker works.

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Indeed it does and lucky for us says me

Great idea for accessible but I plan to go solar on mine once issues with solar panels get worked out. I plan to put in difficult to reach areas with a ladder around my cabin and warranty isn’t a concern.

I was wondering what solar panel issues you are referring to?
Can’t I just hook up permanently with a plug into the WCO charging port with a 30W 5v/2A solar charging panel?

I have to find thread but they were finding discharge issues overnight that would deplete battery. Someone mentioned ensuring panel has a diode or some way of cutting power when not charging.

I would think a simple timer for the power adapter would do the trick. Send power to the WCO for maybe 2 hours a day and adjust as needed. Sooner or later you should be able to find the sweet spot that keeps your WCO charged without adversely impacting performance.

True that probably would work, but that’s not what they are trying to do with WCO.

Silly question. If your willing to run a power cable, why not just use a V2? It was designed specifically to always be powered unlike the WCO.

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Is the issue here overcharging the wco? There are smart chargers that are able to sense a full charge condition… Why not use one of them?

Couldn’t tell you. I assume it’s N over charging situation. The real problem is that charging any battery more than needed will kill it. WCO is a robust product with specific design goals, continue recording, and having it always running on main power is not part of the design goal. There are other products for that.

Well that being true, the cameras are mostly being used as medium security devices too, something they’re also NOT designed to do

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i agree. I think a part of the problems that the WCO has is that they never did define what exactly they are designed for.

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Sorry to disagree, this is more like a strike out.

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Sad… But it seems hit or miss what with some customers really happy and others frustrated beyond belief