Cam outdoor

the WCO came with a little booklet. this is what i’m talking about when i say manual. It doesn’t say much, but it does describe the lights and how to set up including to plug it into the base station to charge.

P.S. I’m sorry if i sounded rude in my last post. I feel i was out of line there, and i’m sorry to be rude.

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Just wondering, have you deleted the app from your phone and then re-downloaded it… If not, perhaps doing so will make a difference

Seems that there is a recurring inconsistency in answers to our questions…

I’ve charged my WCO with my phone charger (5V 2A), USB battery pack, solar charger, and the base station. All have worked fine for me so there are definitely other options, but using the base station USB port to charge provides a standard baseline for troubleshooting since they should all put out exactly the same power for all customers.

@Hickory it’s also possible there are WCOs with bad batteries or bad charging circuitry. I would definitely try charging from the base station first, but hardware failures happen and I imagine Wyze would be eager to address any potential battery failures. Let us know what you find out.

Bad USB ports and non-compliant cables are vexing and present a situation that usually only a tech would identify.

because the WCO uses a PIR sensor the detection zone is fixed.

Why would you want a Picasso painting? Monet is better :wink:

Yes, If you have a 4 wire phone line, put a RJ-45 on each end and it will pass ethernet. Its called Cat3 and good for 10 Mbp/s up to 300 feet.

2020-0827_Ethernet Cable on 4-Wire

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You have to use the Base Station to charge it that’s why its on it.

Yes You have to

which end goes in the Ethernet & which end plugs in the phone line

Actually you do not have to charge it with the base station as WyzeDongsheng says in another thread

Charge it to full with supplied cable and base station. If you want to use your own charger, make sure both the adapter and cable is able to supply power greater than 5V/2A.

Continuing failure

I pulled my Jeep to this point twice to pick up my trailer.

“Cool down” period set to 1 min

This is the results of it recording an event

At least it’s reliable… consistent …consistently bad

Not an old man walking … two dogs … a deer …
It was 2,000 Lbs of Jeep.

Maybe I failed to turn off the cloaking device!

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If you put your finger on the event page and swipe down does the refresh cause any events to show up?

Yea, I wasn’t buying that any way. For some reason it appears my camera thinks 45% or so is fully charged as that is as far as the system goes. It is still in place and after a day went to about 44%

This is deffinetly not normal. Mine kept flashing the red light for 3 days and never went solid red to show its done charging, but was fine.

In your case, I would recommend contacting support for an RMA.

Since the internal battery is made up of two cells I wonder if maybe one of the cells is defective causing the camera to only reach ~50% charge :thinking:

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also, were you live stream when doing this ?

That was a reply to @rsart4u who wondered if ethernet could be run through phone line. If you have an unbroken twisted pair phone line (Cat3) running between two points then it can be repurpose to run 10-BaseT Ethernet (10Mbit/s). Its possible but maybe not practical for everyone.

By putting a plug on both ends (or jack/plug) of the phone line it becomes an ethernet cable. I’ve done this coule times for people who live in a 2 story condo and can’t drill holes, etc. Many of these had a continuous 12 pair cable running to jacks through each room. Simply pull out 2 unused pairs and terminate on RJ-45 jacks.

When Ethernet first came out we wired many offices like this because the wiring was already there and were terminated in a central wiring closet where the hub would be located.

In most homes the phone lines (IW or inside wiring) run to a central point (MPOE) where you could either put a hub or relocate that end of the line to where your ethernet hub is already located.

Before that there was CheaperNet (10Base2) which utilized 50 ohm coaxial cable w/BNC connectors. Stations were tapped off the line with T connectors. It worked alright but a problem at any one station could bring down the network. It was practical at the time cuz there was a lot of coaxial lines already in place for the IBM3270 dumb terminals already there.

Don’t know if I answered your question or just rambling on here. .

I was just on the phone with tech support as I could not get notifications. I deleted the camera and reinstalled it and got notifications again