Cam outdoor

Maybe we are looking at this all wrong. On one hand they have completely solved the issue of the camera triggering and recording wind blowing limbs, light changes, bugs crawling by, etc., etc.

Just saying…

Just recharge it

3 -6 months battery life?? In what universe?

I have been charging mine for days now, It’s next to me at my desk. Let me turn it on and see what the charge is. 15%. It is actually losing it’s charge. This camera is useless to me. Thankfully it was not too expensive. I don’t think I will be buying Wyze products again, At least the products right out of the gate. This device is useless to me as an outdoor camera.

The universe where you charge it, turn it off & put it in a drawer :joy:

All of the above, plus making it wireless. Plus it may be a coincidence, but I’m getting more notifications of people and vehicles without getting recordings of leaves and spider webs.

Easter egg(?) Pretty cool! :slightly_smiling_face:


Good evening:
While you have the WOC plugged in for charging, is the LED on the back of the camera the color red? If not, you do not have the camera plugged in all of the way.

I had my camera out for 3 days. It never showed above 47%. It went down to 22%. Plugged it in got a flashing light and after about 7 hours it indicates 43%. I’m going to leave it out until it dies. Clearly the battery meter isn’t working or the charging is bad.

Did you charge it using the included cable plugged into the USB port in the base station? It should take around 4 hours to fully charge.

Yes. Solid Red.

Hmm, that’s interesting. Per the linked article, solid red indicates that your camera is fully charged.

WCO LED status

Try a different USB port mine charged in 3 1/2 hours full charge

I used the cable that came with it and used a dedicated charger that wasn’t attached to a brick. Same result

What are the outputs on the other chargers you used? Sorry but I am still unclear if you ever tried charging the outdoor camera with the included cable plugged into the USB port of the base station.

Hi, I have no idea what the outputs on them are, they charge my flashlights, cell phones, external battery packs etc. No I have not plugged it into the base station to charge. I didn’t know that was a thing. The base station is in the basement near the router the camera is a story and a half above that. Are we supposed to be charging it with the base station? If so that’s f’ing stupid

Some usb chargers will output more current and charge faster than others. If you are having battery life or charging issues I would suggest plugging it into the base station for at least 4 hours and see if you still have the same problems.

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What do you mean you didn’t know charging on the base station was a thing? Did you not read the manual at all?

I am experiencing similar issues. Some motion gets detected, some but not all people, and the motion detection area can’t be expanded to include the whole frame or moved.

That in the manual is it?

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