Bluebirds 2024

Thanks. I was thinking you were showing a feeder. Now it made more sense to me.
I could only do that with a feeder unless I wanted a nest next to the house.

Had three of the four hatch this morning. The fourth egg might not be viable. If it hatches tomorrow, the chicks that hatched this morning will have the advantage.


The early bird (s) usually do. I don’t think they are ready for worms yet though. :grin:

#4 finally hatched.


Are they orphans or is Mom/Dad out shopping for food?

Mom sits on them a lot.

Must of needed a break during the photo op.

Momma bluebird was upset you thinking she was shirking her duties.

I present proof positive she is a doting mother.


Sorry Mom :bird: :zipper_mouth_face:

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Apology accepted


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Hi Mom- :smiley:

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“Indy, why does the floor move?”


Bluebird Diner- Special of the day. :yum:

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I know they’re swiveling their head all the time so maybe doesn’t matter but do they have a blind spot like 180 from their beak?


Feed me!


Now I know I need to build one of these this winter. Very cool!

Hungry bunch, Mom and Dad will be busy for a while.
My Turkey friend at the golf course that I feed every time I play is now telling her two remaining pre-teen chicks to find their own food. I gave her and the chicks a pile of food yesterday and when the chicks tried to eat some she just pecked both of them on the head. I gave the chicks their own pile of food and she knocked them away from that also. She was nice to them today though and shared some food. :grin: :turkey: Mom

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Will that gun kill or just hurt them? I have a Crossman .177 and I haven’t tried it on anything live yet. Mostly plinking, but I’m thinking of trying it on some grouse.

Depending on where you hit the squirrel determines how long it will take to die. Got one in the eye and it was like Elle Driver in Kill Bill after getting her other eye gouged out.

I also tried trapping and releasing but that was like trying to kill all the flies.

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