The Hummers are back

This is the defective v3 that only focuses close-up.
Hopefully it’ll be lighter in the mornings.


I’m still feeding the Goldfinches here in WI. I’ll put the hummingbird feeder out next week.

I like the gold finches. Ha, I just realized that I’ve been saying yellow finches. Oh well, same thing. I hope they stick around for the summer, too.

Here is an enlarged photo from the V3 pointing at my feeder setup. There is a pair of goldfinches on each feeder.

Once the hummers make it up to Wisconsin, I’ll swap it the feeder on the left.

Nice. I have a feeder like those but quit using it after the seeds got wet and stuck together. When I lived in Santa Cruz, Ca years ago, I had all kinds of birds coming to that feeder.

The tray feeder there is actually for the squirrels. I put sunflower seeds down for them. It helps keep them off the other feeders. It works pretty well, as long as I keep the seeds coming. :rofl:

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Had my first hummingbird at 0900 CDT today.

If I had not been sitting under the gazebo I wouldn’t have known it was there.

Wonder why it didn’t pick it up?

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Yay. I have 2 cams on mine at different angles. Sometimes one will pick them up and the other won’t. Maybe because theyre so fast that they fly in between frames or something?

I have to move my hummer feeder. It is too close to the finch feeders and those are seeing a lot of action now. There have been as many as 7 Goldfinches on the 3 feeders.

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I reset the cam, formatted the SD card, removed and added detection zones, and stood on my right foot with my tongue in the left corner of my mouth. No hummers since even on visual.

I’m going to move mine into thw shade.