[Beta] Add Yourself and Get the Badge!

To all @Beta app members, please join this link to be directly notified when important beta updates are posted. This will also make it easier for us to identify beta users when reading posts across different topics. Thanks!

For non-beta app members, if you are interested in joining our Beta program, you need to follow these steps – learn more here.



@Beta – We are preparing to launch the latest version of the app to the public (everyone - V2.0.18 iOS, V2.0.21 Android). If you see any major bugs let us know!


What changes were made?

We will release full list once we finalize it, team is still working on the updates. The changes would be more for the general public as opposed to customers who already have beta app.

We tagged this as important to inform members about the group, this will be pushed as newer updates are posted


Did this list ever make it out?

The list is on-going, we will post beta release notes so you can track the updates under News


Beta Wyze


When adjusting detection settings you label it sensitivity and have adjustments of high and low. Usually something highly sensitive would mean it’s triggered faster, but if I am reading correctly yours means the opposite since you are dealing with percentage pixel change. It appears these labels need to be changed.


Sign. Waiting

Been beta testing a hardware item but no beta tester badge - is it only for software beta?

The badge is on your avatar, the little gear in the lower right.


Ooops… didn’t notice that being there! Although I had no idea what it signified, so thanks for pointing it out… and now I know!


I know this is minor. I joined @beta and was added to group didn’t get the badge.

Opps, that’s what I get for not researching first. I apologize and see from previous post it is working.

1 Like

SWEET!!! I’m in the cool kids club now and I even get a badge!!!

BTW, both contact sensors stopped working… Any advice on who to contact?

For problems like that you can always contact:
Wyze Support Live support is also available: +1-206-339-9646 Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT



Welcome Back to the Forum @kenw! :raising_hand_man:

We haven’t seen you here for some time. Um… Did you mean to post something besides just your handle?


I was going to complain about the cameras going off line so many times. I can get all of them up on the phone then the web view starts up and claims that one or more are off line