So, i’m using Chrome and up until today, I was able to view my cams live in the browser. My payment is up to date, etc. I get “Web connection Failed”. . .
You may want to change the tag, this isn’t android related, Wyze Web View is totally separate from the app.
It wouldn’t let me choose anything else except Android, iPhone or iPad. . .
“An error occurred: You must include at least 1 Application Platform tag. The tags in this group are: android, iphone-ipad, android-and-ios, ios, iphone, ipad.”
Yeah they probably need to add a tag. I guess Android-and-IOS would make it more generic but still not really accurate.
I don’t have cam plus so I can’t test, may just be having some server issues. Try closing out all browsers and start from scratch if you haven’t already.
Try in incognito mode, if it works there you may need to clear cookies/cache in your browser.
I’m using Firefox for my normal stuff and only use Google Chrome to view the Live feed.
I edited above. If it doesn’t work even in incognito mode then they may be having a server problem. Or perhaps something changed with your internet that is blocking it, but seems less likely.
Incognito does the same thing. So, I agree with you on the server issues. Both cameras work on the Wyze App on my phone.
I notice that you tagged this cam-og, and I’ve been reading the topic you started in December about the Web View issue in Firefox. I think the type of cameras used is probably an issue with using Web View in Firefox, and even Chrome is having issues with streaming Cam OG today.
Since your problem seems to be with Web View and not a specific camera—as you say that your cameras are streaming properly to the app on your phone—then recategorizing your topic in Services & Integrations and tagging it with web-view and cam-og might help you get the visibility you’re seeking for your issue. Following other relevant topics might be worthwhile, as well, until this issue is resolved.
I can do that, but it won’t let me go past it unless I choose a Platform, so I just chose android
Same here! Working fine until I updated my computer, and then it stopped working on my browser.
Welcome to the Forum, @tony65!
What camera(s) and browser(s) are you using? I’m trying to get some attention on this issue (I linked to some other topics above that seem to be related), so I’d appreciate any detail you’d care to share.
Having the same problem. 4 OG cams. Using the Chrome browser. I use webview everyday, and Wednesday morning each camera gave a “web connection failed” message.
I noticed your post in a related topic. I’m still seeing some occasional glitches and connection failures when I check Web View, including with a Cam OG Telephoto now, so my best guess at this point is that it’s an evolving/resolving issue with Wyze doing something on the backend.
Update. This morning webview has resumed working for me.