Cam OG wyze web live

anyone else having problems with Cam OG not connecting to live view on computer (laptop) cam works fine on app, but keep getting ‘web connection failed’ . been round and round with support but no fix. rebooted router, updated firmware, hard reset of cam, removed cam and set up as new after factory reset, and still will not connect to web live. My V3’s all connect just fine. frustrating

Don’t have any Og’s connected at the moment to look for myself, but have you tried clearing your browser cache?

This has helped me in the past when I had cameras not connecting to the Web view.

I did. did every thing support had me do last month, and still can’t connect on the web view. like i said, all v3’s work fine, and no problems viewing in the app. (android)

In my opinion, the web view is so hideously unreliable, that I essentially never use it except to test something - usually in response to to a forum post. Just tried it and getting a 503 - Service Unavailable error as soon as I go to the web page (before login).

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