This is pretty cool.
So the motion notifications work with v3 but not v4? I just bought two v4, and if they don’t have this feature, I’ll return them and stick with my v3. You’d think it’d be available to the newer cameras first.
No updates on animated notifications for wyze cam v4?
Wyze has it’s hands full with the new Cam Unlimited Pro at the moment, I doubt that animated notifications is on their priority list.
I believe Animated notifications now work for nearly all camera models on Cam Unlimited Pro (at least most of the ones using the descriptive notifications).
Hopefully that means it will for regular unlimited soon too.
I won’t hold my breath
It doesn’t phase me a bit as I don’t use the feature and personally I think it’s just a vanity, not a real feature worth loosing sleep over it.
It’s nice to see the gif, rather than having to open up the notification and watch the whole thing. Half the time the notifications don’t work anyways, and only bring you to the app home screen vs the actual event.
Within the last month or so, on Android, multiple unread notifications that have piled up in the OS pull-down list don’t get auto-dismissed when you start the Wyze app. is this by design?
Just wondering.
Nothing is by design when it comes to Wyze
Never wonder.
They sometimes get something right, but mostly it’s serendipity.