Animated Notification Feedback

I tried all the notification variables {} and I got nothing.

Originally, I was hoping to get the image and forward it too, but no luck either. I asked or saw related post on macrodroid forum. He said that it’s not his fault if they put things where they shouldn’t… or something like that. Seems like a case of “not my fault” on both ends so far.

I wouldn’t mind using another app, but Tasker is painful to learn, for me, just for that.

If you find another solution, post it here and I’ll do the same.

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I will let you know if I learn something in particular.

For now, I do have some ideas I’d like to present.

I know @WyzeMatt (Head of Subscription Growth) is pretty swamped at the moment, but I am going to tag him to bring this to his attention since it is still related to his subscriptions and is a BIG deal to some of us that use notification parsing apps (I use MacroDroid, Buzzkill, and Tasker for different notification purposes) and maybe see if he can reach out to the teams in charge of this and ask them what variables they are putting the notification text under now that is making it hard for us to parse their notification text now. They should theoretically still keep it under Title, subtext or whatever the technical field terms are. Maybe he can look into this and let us know how they changed the text fields in the notifications or if they can fix it back to be standard text fields again.

I’ve been researching on what may be the cause here and these are some of the top contending hypotheses:

  • They could have encoded the text within the GIF itself as metadata. This would make it visually present but inaccessible to parsers looking for plain text. Maybe they just did this by accident?!?!
  • They could be using a custom notification layout that places the text in a non-standard way that parsers can’t recognize. And again, I would hope this is on accident or in ignorance of the fallout it causes, rather than something required in order to use an animated GIF.
  • Maybe instead of including the text directly in the notification, they could be using some kind of background service to fetch the GIF and text, which would make it harder for parsers to capture the text reliably.
  • They could have created a new notification channel for these animated notification with different properties (which the parsers aren’t programmed to recognize).

Apparently there are ways we can figure this out though! Unfortunately I don’t think I can help though, since I am not getting the animated notifications at all for some reason, so it’s not affecting me. But if you are willing…you could try to capture the

I’m told there are ways we could figure it out with either a special app or using adb to capture notification data when it arrives to see the raw notification data including all its fields and content. adb can be complicated, but if you are willing to try to use an app like “Notification History Log” in Google Play , I am told that it and some others will allow you to see the RAW data of any notification in it’s “Advanced History” which is designed to expose the underlying notification data including the raw JSON payload. You may have to alter the settings to something like Advanced Logging or Verbose Mode or Developer Options. But if we can get that working, it should also allow you to copy the raw data for analysis and potentially post it here so I, and others can possibly help you figure it out (please make sure it doesn’t include any recognizable personal information before you post it, just in case…I don’t think it would, but thought I’d suggest you quickly review it anyway…worst case scenario, you are also free to DM me [after deleting anything obviously private] to limit public exposure, but I don’t think it should be much different from a screenshot of the notification, so it should be fine). There are apparently lots of other apps that should be able to do this too, that is just one I saw recommended. Looks like there is an open source app called Notification Log that is on the play store and F-Droid that should also be able to do it, as well as several others.

Again, it would be nice if Wyze fixes the breakage themselves to use standardized fields, etc like everyone should. And Hopefull Matt sees this and has time to look into it (publicly or in backchannels), but I suggest we not pin all our hopes on Wyze resolving it, and take steps to see if we can figure it out.

Again, I don’t think I can help test with this at the moment though because my notifications haven’t changed yet for some reason. But if I start getting the animated notifications then I will certainly start helping test a fix with you.

Wish I could offer more than the above hypotheses and suggestions, but I hope it is still helpful.

Edit: Looks like we found another victim:


@carverofchoice Thank you so much for posting this! I was going crazy, thinking I had done something wrong. I kept going back and forth on the MacroDroid forum, and Jacob L, who always responds quickly, suggested renaming it from Vehicle Detected on Front Yard to Vehicle Detected. This did start working, but I was also receiving alerts for my garage with the same notification and not detecting the camera name, @SlabSlayer I even checked the MacroDriod uploads that you have listed and they are not working.

@carverofchoice check this out. I am not a pro at doing this. Do you understand what he is saying? Can you try it from your side and if it works can you share an image?

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Yes and no, but probably a little better than you since I had someone else help me do something like this in the past with another app, so I have been through this to some degree, and I think he is correct. While I am no expert, I will try to help explain as much as I can from my understanding.

From what I understood when they told me to do this, I think they are having the “action” work as another trigger filter. This way it checks the “Notif_Title” in the original trigger which you said is working and then in the action they are having you check the Body (for me they had me specify “Notif_Text”), which in your case would be the name of the camera?

So the “set variable” in the action part is to make that contained variable/field within the action section enter in the text that the notification body had in the text (in this case, the name of your camera would be put into this temporary variable/field within the action section). So he is telling you to set the name of this variable field. You could name it Notif_Text like I did in mine (I’ll show you examples of how I did this with another app)

Now when you create the “If Clause” underneath that (he’s saying to create that by pressing the plus button), you tell it that if the text in that new variable/field (enter the name you gave it in the set Variable command above) contains the correct camera name “yard” in it, then it will know this is the right notification you were looking for. In that case, it should execute the action you want, otherwise it should ignore it.

So he’s basically having you create a second trigger/filter. The first one checks the detection type, and now the second one in the action section should check the camera name in the text body. He’s hoping that is how it is labeled.

That would be great if it works for you.

My reservation is that it’s possible the new notifications aren’t labeling the camera name in the “body” field, or you might have to specify it as the {notification} field.

I actually can’t. I am not getting the new notification structure that the rest of you are, so anything I try won’t apply to you guys or help you. However, I CAN help share an image of what he’s asking you to do based on a different app I did this for.

So you see in my example above, they were trying to get me to setup the trigger to check if a notification was from Macrodroid or Google Maps.

If so, then those notifications would trigger the action. and in the actions it was taking the Title Text in the notification title {not_title} and entering it into a variable field I created and named “Notif_Title” and taking the text in the notification body {notification} and calling it “Notif_Text” and entering that text in that field.

Then they had me create an If statement that says if the Title contains “[person’s name]” and the notification body contains “left [location name]” then it would run my webhook. If any of those conditions didn’t apply, then it ignored the notification.

That was the idea. That is basically the same thing he is suggesting you try now to see if it fixes your notification issue.

My main question is that we don’t know what the “Variable” names are that Wyze is using currently or may have changed to. It could be named any number of things:

  • {text}
  • {body}
  • {bigText}
  • {subText}
  • {notification}
  • or maybe some custom field name or something.

This is why I was hoping one of you would be willing to use an advanced notification logger to see if it will tell you what field we need to capture. If we know that, THEN we can almost definitely get it to work. Without knowing that, we might just have to guess around a little bit at what the field name is.

Many months ago he actually decided to delete ALL his social media and forum accounts everywhere and would stop spending any time commenting anywhere on the internet, so he will not be responding to anyone on here or Macrodroid ever again. He told me that just before he deleted his final account.
I’m just telling you as a courtesy that he couldn’t respond now even if he got notified and wanted to (which he won’t). It’s nothing personal. He’s just gone from the internet.

I hope that helps a little. Sorry I can’t help test it or write it out for you because my notifications apparently aren’t using the new notification format they are testing and I am not sure why. I am here to help answer questions or try to provide some insight, but I am no macrodroid expert like Jacob L and others.

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Okay, I was trying to find apps that would do just that, read the entire notifications. I’ll try that app you mentioned.

Just to be clear here’s the macro. And the corresponding logs.

I’m also want to remind you and us that the sound notification is parsed correctly at least up to 3.2.2.

The Wyze app was also updated to 3.2.5 591 this morning and have the same issue with motion notifications.

I also think that a one-way http post by the same server who push the notifications would be a relatively simple feature to add (I think) and would be more reliable. Or an http post directly on camera to keep it local, but not sure of feasibility.


Okay, great news!

I don’t know if @NRHTX has already posted it, but

Here’s a workaround solution found by Allen on the macrodroid forum.

I have changed my trigger from Any content to Contains: detected (Wyze) as shown in image below and the log is now showing the variables properly set.

It might be worth to let @WyzeMatt know, to take a quick look to see if something changed or not or their side, but I now doubt it is solely wyze’s fault.

Thanks for your help!

I posted on their forum too, here:

Post in thread ‘Problem since Wyze changed camera notification text’ Problem since Wyze changed camera notification text | Page 2 | MacroDroid Forum


On my v3s the animation automatically plays. I don’t have to long press the notification. Using android


Just wanted to make sure you saw my good news post. I think I replied to my post with an update.


Awesome work @Basdub !!! Your logs were helpful as well because now we know Wyze is using the standard fields {not_title} and {notification}

Thanks for the effort to resolve it and share with the rest of us. I plan to do all this with Home Assistant Webhooks in the near future too, so I appreciate your follow-up!

So I can confirm that animated notifications are now available on all of the following cameras:

Wyze Cam v3, Wyze Cam v3 Pro, Wyze Cam Pan v2…

Don’t ask me why Pan v2 and not Pan v3, I’ve already complained.


Good news. I need to turn on notifications again.

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I wish I knew why they don’t work for me :man_shrugging: I have Cam Unlimited and lots of V3 Pros and V4s, and 1 Pan V2, but not a single one of them will show me animated notifications.

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So wats up with the v4. They use to work during testing


So the floodlight pro isn’t turning on when there’s motion. Nor it records on the SD card. Yet Wyze is working on animated notification. Great.

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I think they are trying to inject some dazzle in the app to attract new customers :wink:

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Priorities. Not everyone buys a Floodlight pro. :sunglasses:

But good point.

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Sorry what does this mean that animated notifications are now available?

They should. It’s my favorite camera of any brand. :slight_smile:

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Very useful for my porpoises. Nicely done! :+1:

Both of these Android OS notifications settings need to be toggled on (the top one is ‘silent’ and enables the animation, at least on my phone.)


I’ve always used the long press notification preview feature and this made it even better!! Love the new quick animation feature, it makes it that much easier to decide if I need to investigate the motion further! Thanks!