Yes and no, but probably a little better than you since I had someone else help me do something like this in the past with another app, so I have been through this to some degree, and I think he is correct. While I am no expert, I will try to help explain as much as I can from my understanding.
From what I understood when they told me to do this, I think they are having the “action” work as another trigger filter. This way it checks the “Notif_Title” in the original trigger which you said is working and then in the action they are having you check the Body (for me they had me specify “Notif_Text”), which in your case would be the name of the camera?
So the “set variable” in the action part is to make that contained variable/field within the action section enter in the text that the notification body had in the text (in this case, the name of your camera would be put into this temporary variable/field within the action section). So he is telling you to set the name of this variable field. You could name it Notif_Text like I did in mine (I’ll show you examples of how I did this with another app)
Now when you create the “If Clause” underneath that (he’s saying to create that by pressing the plus button), you tell it that if the text in that new variable/field (enter the name you gave it in the set Variable command above) contains the correct camera name “yard” in it, then it will know this is the right notification you were looking for. In that case, it should execute the action you want, otherwise it should ignore it.
So he’s basically having you create a second trigger/filter. The first one checks the detection type, and now the second one in the action section should check the camera name in the text body. He’s hoping that is how it is labeled.
That would be great if it works for you.
My reservation is that it’s possible the new notifications aren’t labeling the camera name in the “body” field, or you might have to specify it as the {notification} field.
I actually can’t. I am not getting the new notification structure that the rest of you are, so anything I try won’t apply to you guys or help you. However, I CAN help share an image of what he’s asking you to do based on a different app I did this for.
So you see in my example above, they were trying to get me to setup the trigger to check if a notification was from Macrodroid or Google Maps.
If so, then those notifications would trigger the action. and in the actions it was taking the Title Text in the notification title {not_title} and entering it into a variable field I created and named “Notif_Title” and taking the text in the notification body {notification} and calling it “Notif_Text” and entering that text in that field.
Then they had me create an If statement that says if the Title contains “[person’s name]” and the notification body contains “left [location name]” then it would run my webhook. If any of those conditions didn’t apply, then it ignored the notification.
That was the idea. That is basically the same thing he is suggesting you try now to see if it fixes your notification issue.
My main question is that we don’t know what the “Variable” names are that Wyze is using currently or may have changed to. It could be named any number of things:
- {text}
- {body}
- {bigText}
- {subText}
- {notification}
- or maybe some custom field name or something.
This is why I was hoping one of you would be willing to use an advanced notification logger to see if it will tell you what field we need to capture. If we know that, THEN we can almost definitely get it to work. Without knowing that, we might just have to guess around a little bit at what the field name is.
Many months ago he actually decided to delete ALL his social media and forum accounts everywhere and would stop spending any time commenting anywhere on the internet, so he will not be responding to anyone on here or Macrodroid ever again. He told me that just before he deleted his final account.
I’m just telling you as a courtesy that he couldn’t respond now even if he got notified and wanted to (which he won’t). It’s nothing personal. He’s just gone from the internet.
I hope that helps a little. Sorry I can’t help test it or write it out for you because my notifications apparently aren’t using the new notification format they are testing and I am not sure why. I am here to help answer questions or try to provide some insight, but I am no macrodroid expert like Jacob L and others.