Animated Gif on V4 disappeared?

I bought two V4s as the notifications used to have animated gifs and easily see what’s going on as overview

But this is no longer the case, the notifications I now only see static thumbnail

Wyze keeps fulling out features they initially introduced

Now I’m only seeing thumbnail of a tree in front of the camera always and miss out on the actual snap of the object which triggered the motion

I bought so many wyze cams and I’m starting to get disappointed with this Wyze

Do you mean notifications within the app itself or the android notifications? I’ve never seen an animated notification in Android, didn’t know there was a such thing.

@WyzeMatt was running animated notifications for Cam v4 as a test for a while. I saw them and they were nice to have. Not sure what happened with that:


I checked and all my current notification images are still static for the V4s

Anything we need to do activate thus

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I haven’t noticed this happening on my lone v4. Do I have to make a setting change somewhere or did I just miss it? Does this require a subscription?

cc: @WyzeMatt

I replaced my Cam V3 with the V4 only to find out they were not compatible with Cam Plus Lite

Now we only get a thumbnail on events

What a let down

You missed it. I think Matt was running it as a test to garner public feedback last May 2024. It was a server push, no user app settings involved.

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I did. Thanks.

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Yeah we were testing it to v4 temporarily. Was really well received, gonna roll it out to more cams super soon.