I hope this is enhanced. One thing that would be nice is if the contact sensors were identified as motion sensors by alexa and we could to time limits and some of the more advanced functionality with routines. For example I’d love to have one that if my garage door has been open for 30 minutes to create a alexa notification. Right now I can have it trigger on open/close but would be nice if it supported delays like the motion sensors can do.
Agreed. But it’s been so long since I set things up I cannot remember exactly. Doesn’t Alexa properly identify Wyze contact sensors? It’s only missing the timed abilities. For that, I used an extra Wyze plug and IFTTT to make this happen. Until there is proper integration between Alexa and Wyze, here is how it can be done and it works pretty flawlessly: How to Use a Wyze Sensor to Trigger an Alexa Routine to Remind Yourself That Your Garage Door Has Been Left Opened - Ian Lee - Marketer, Photographer.
Yes it is detected as a sensor but like you said the timing abilities are not there currently. I will look into that hack to get around it but hopefully wyze (or amazon) will add support.
It would be nice if you could do this all through the wyze automations too but those are lacking in passing commands to alexa and it feels like alexa routines are way ahead of where wyze is atm.
The key to timers and Alexa is the WAIT command in a Rutine.
You can say: When a trigger happens . . .
Turn on a light,
WAIT 30 minutes,
Turn off a light.
I have not tested anything more than 2 hours but I believe max WAIT time is 24 hours (23:59)
I use the WAIT command in a number of Alexa Routines including one using Wyze Sense Door monitor. Hope this helps.
Here is another thread for all things Alexa with wyze , tips tricks questions and answers
Why has this skill removed from Alexa now? Is there any plan to bring it back?
What skill?