AI Video Search - Launched 8/28/2024

Well I go to the web page to view like cameras or events your AI search box is so huge that it’s hogging up a good chunk of the screen space which forces me to scroll up or down to be able to view.

Can you not make it smaller I mean it doesn’t have to be that big wide Etc

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The marketing e-mail that I received today left me with more questions:

available to Cam Unlimited users for a limited-time

Eventually, we expect this feature will only be available in our Cam Unlimited Pro plan coming later this year.

It seems to say that Cam Unlimited users who are granted access to this feature and help to train the Wyze Vision Language Model might lose access once Cam Unlimited Pro launches until or unless they upgrade. Is that the case?

I hope it’s not, because I think these early adopters have the potential to benefit Wyze and Wyze users, so I hope there’s a provision that would allow them to retain “grandfathered” access at the Cam Unlimited subscription level (kind of like how some users still have active Cam Plus Lite licenses). I don’t think the e-mail message is clear about this, though. Maybe it’s part of program/feature enrollment messaging? :man_shrugging:


From my understanding, you are correct.

This is something they have done multiple times in the past. Some examples are “Friendly Faces” had a pilot trial, but then when it officially launched, it was limited to Cam Protect when it launched. Same thing for Smart Vision or what was called Wyze Anything Recognition. That also had a pilot trial, and then with the Cam Protect launch, it was limited to people who got Cam Protect. Now Friendly faces has been extended to Cam Unlimited users, but it didn’t use to be. Just pointing out that these trials for other subscriptions are things they have commonly done in the past. I just think they needed to be more clear about it in this forum post, even though they were clear about it in the emails they sent out, because there are plenty of people who don’t read the emails and may have only read about it here in this post.

That would be great. They have done similar things in the past with some pilot trials (Friendly faces for example stayed white-listed for anyone on Cam Plus who joined the pilot program even when it was restricted to Cam Protect, though only for a couple of camera models that were initially allowed during the pilot), though this AI search one probably has a much higher cost than some of the past trials they have done, so I would not be surprised if it ends since the last public beta trial for the AI Video search was also terminated, and they sent out an email letting us know that trial ended. I was in that public beta trial too, and they told us it would be ending and sent out an email when it did end:

I expect this trial will work the exact same way as the last public trial…and nobody was upset when that one ended, though I think they should’ve been more clear in this forum post that this trial was going to work the same way as the lasts one (eventually the trial will end again).

But @WyzeMatt or Jason or someone may always correct me otherwise with new information later. :slight_smile: I’d love to be wrong and keep this on Cam Unlimited.

However, in multiple places, their public documentation has for months (since way back in Spring time) been saying the AI search would be limited to Cam Unlimited Pro:

Source 1


So, I suspect this is just a pilot “trial” similar to the last trial that only lasted 2 months before it was also removed from our access. It’s fun to see how it is evolving. I think I am pretty likely to subscribe to the Unlimited Pro when it launches. I’m guessing that is part of what they are hoping by offering the trial…give us a chance to see if we like it and want to upgrade whenever they launch it. If they didn’t let some of us try it out in advance, it might be harder to know if we like some of the new features like this. If they let me keep it on unlimited, I might decide not to upgrade. :man_shrugging: I’m guessing they’ll realize that too.

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I searched CAT today and guess who I saw. :laughing:
At least it didn’t add any of my :raccoon: friends as cat for the last few days.


I’d already seen the last two pages you referenced and was familiar with the feature tables, and I appreciate your explanation and the history of previous feature trials. That adds some context of previous experiences, and the explanation makes sense.

Is that to say that they were clear about it in post-enrollment messaging? Since I’m not a subscriber and not trying it, I don’t know what messages might have been sent out after people signed up to get a trial slot. My perspective is that the marketing message left me with questions, and I can imagine that there are people who might actually read the e-mail and want to try it out but have no interest in reading Forum messages or otherwise actively participating in the community.

I’d add “and in the solicitation e-mail”, which is what prompted my questions.

I agree that more official clarity and transparency about the future plan would be helpful in users’ decision making, particularly if they’re still trying to “Be Friends With Users”. I also feel like there’s a real give-and-take here, where Wyze is getting data and AI training from users who choose to participate while they’re granted access to this feature, and I think there could be some consideration for the early adopters who are contributing valuable feedback. I’m not in that group (because I’m not a “friend” :grin:), so I’m not asking for something for myself. I’m just thinking about one of those Founding Values, but then I don’t know the size of this “limited” trial (in terms of usership) so I have no idea what the real cost to the company might be for throwin’ a :bone: to those of you who are part of the bleeding edge helper crowd. :man_shrugging:

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Coming soon! Cam Unlimited Ultra Pro Big Boy!

We thought of everything we could think of and found a name for it! To please, you, the UserCustomer, with trick fixins, and us, Los Tres Amigos, with more profitable quarters!

What? This ain’t a non-profit, y’know. :baby::baby: need a new pair of shoes!


This is an accurate description and your criticism of not being more “in your face” about the fact that it’s a trial and not going to live on Unlimited forever is totally fair and I will shoulder that blame. That’s on me.

As far as grandfathered access, I would love to do it. I know there will be some sort of very very deep promotional offer for users who sign up to Cam Unlimited Pro for the first year of its existence.


All the critters want payment now from the AI Bank for their participation.
:raccoon:(s) want two bags of marshmallows
Possums want two free beauty treatments and two chicken bones each.
:cat:(s) Want to :rat: :rat: each. & unlimited free water.

And you want… to update to 3.0, finally?? :wink:

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A big FAT NO :laughing: :laughing:

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I, for one, am extremely anti-subscription. It’s ok to call me a cheapskate. That’s a badge I’ll wear proudly. That being said, I am a Cam Plus subscriber. I also have SD cards in all of my Cam Pans (12 v3, 1 v2 and 1 v1) and Doorbell v2 cameras. Connectivity issues aside, being able to review both events and non-events is part and parcel why I have cameras. It would be nice if they just worked consistently.

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I saw the invitation this morning and signed up but as of this afternoon, I still cannot access anything. All I get is this:

It took over a week before mine became available, so don’t panic that it’s been less than a day. It took mine forever.

Of course, I have 50 cams with lots of events, so, there’s that.


OK, thanks.

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You know, I’m thinking how smart I am. I’m really smart. Wyze should boldly OWN this name. They can have it, I give it to them. So long as they use it. Immediately. :grin:

A post was split to a new topic: CamPan v2 and one outdoor cam unable to connect for weeks

AHahaha Matt! So, what would you like to get a notification for if (I am just saying “if” ) you can custom it?

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I know that question wasn’t directed at me, but I’ll repeat a previous answer:

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Alejandro!
Re 1) Great idea! I am taking notes:)
Re 2) I believe you need to use App version 3.1 to see the search icon on event tab.
Re 3) How far ahead you wish the event recording should go back to?
And I have an additional question for you… How would you use Video Search in your everyday life? Any interesting use case that you could share with us, from the two weeks that you have been trying it out?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


This seems like an interesting challenge and I will pass it to our scientist team:)