I have a cam unlimited subscription but it only records for 12 seconds. Its supposed to record the entire motion event. What’s going wrong here?
Go into the camera settings and press the reset button.
Then restart the camera.
Then go in front of the camera very closely and make dramatic movements with your arms, etc for at least 30 seconds just to verify it will record more than 30 seconds now.
The reset button should force it to reconnect to the subscription from scratch to fix any subscription related issues.
Makes me think of one of those arm waving things outside car dealerships. Maybe they can market a Wyze version as a “camera tester”?
Yeah, I suggest this because while I am not saying it is what is happening in this case, I have helped several people in the past where it turned out that their events were only 12 seconds or so because of the sensitivity settings and distance and not sufficient “motion” to cause an event to continue. So then when the person just waits for the next car or person to walk by their house they still get short event clips and think things are still not working correctly when they are. So to make sure this isn’t the problem a person needs to stand in front of it and wave their hand back and forth in front of the lens for 30 seconds to make sure there is guaranteed 100% motion for more than 12 seconds. It’s surprising how this alone sometimes narrows down the issue.