Wyze Week 2023 - Mid Week Check-in

Today is AI Day! Starting now, Facial Recognition is available for ALL Cam Plus Unlimited users! And for today, you get a FREE Wyze Cam OG for joining Cam Plus Unlimited!

Do you have questions for the company? Anything you ever wanted to ask our founders directly? If so, you should check out our Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Discord Community Fireside on Friday!

We’re collecting questions for the AMA RIGHT NOW, so make sure you stop by submit questions and vote for what you want to see answered! Answers will start flowing on Friday at 11 AM Pacific.


Do you want to have a more casual hangout time with our team? If so, you may like the live voice event on Discord this Friday at 3 PM Pacific!

We’d love to see you there!


Yay! Now I just need to figure out how it works and how to use it!

Found this article… Will need to digest that tonight.


According to the link you need to have both CamPlus Unlimited and CamProtect for facial recognition. Is this the case?

No. Either one of them will get you face detection. If you have only Cam Protect, you’ll get it. If you have only Cam Plus Unlimited, you’ll get it. If you have both, you’ll still get it, but you don’t need both. It’s just saying it used to be limited to only Cam Protect and now they’ve extended it to be available to both of them (individually).

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ok great! However, when I try to enable it I get the page to agree and continue but once I do, it turns the toggle off. I have CamPlus Unlimited on all my Cams.

Do you live in one the states/cities where it is illegal to use Face Detection?

Negative. I am in SC.

Hmmm…make sure your app and firmware are up to date…then clear the cache from your app:

Open the app → Account Tab → App Settings → Cache File Size → Clear

Then try again. That should clear out any weirdness with the toggles being stuck from before the new feature went active and force the app and cam to try fresh.

If it’s still not working, contact support.

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never mind. I was clicking on select and continue when I just needed to let it time out.
Thanks for the help.

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Awesome! Glad you figured it out. :+1:

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@WyzeJasonJ I’m a current Cam Plus Unlimited subscriber. Seems like Wyze.com will allow me take advantage of the free Wyze Cam OG w/ the purchase of a $99 Cam Plus Unlimited subscription, even though I’m already subscribed. Is this allowed, and will it just add a year to my existing subscription?

Doesn’t sound right, I can almost guarantee it will not tack on a year. Let me ask about this and see if we are running into an issue on that.


Sounds good, and thanks for looking into it! I’d definitely be willing to prepay that next year for a free OG. :slight_smile: