Wyze Video Doorbell v2 question

Hi, before I decide to buy the V2 video doorbell I wanted to check and see if my pic of the doorbell chime internals are compatible with the Wyze video doorbell v2.

Welcome to the Forum, @bcnul8r! :wave:

The chime appears to be compatible to me. Given Wyze’s return policy, I’d be comfortable giving it a shot. Here are some other thoughts:

  • How many doorbell buttons are you currently using? At a glance, the terminal labels look like “T” (transformer), “1”, and “2”, and I think that would roughly correspond to my mechanical chime, which has “TRANS”, “FRONT”, and “REAR”. In my case, the home was wired for only a single button, so I had wires coming into the chime box and connecting to only the TRANS and FRONT terminals, but you have all three terminals wired in the photo. (It’s also possible that I’m misunderstanding what I’m seeing here.)
  • What’s your doorbell transformer’s power output? That’s the main thing I’d be curious/concerned about, I think. I would expect the transformer to display its power rating somewhere (stamped, engraved, etc.), but it’s also something I’d want to measure myself.
  • If you have the ability to measure your transformer’s output (e.g., with a multimeter), then I’d also recommend ensuring that the chime is currently wired correctly. I discovered some months after installing my own Video Doorbell v2 (when it began giving me problems and not actuating the chime) that my home’s mechanical chime box had the wire from the transformer going to the FRONT terminal and the wire from the doorbell button’s location going to the TRANS terminal when it was just a “dumb” doorbell. For a simple push-button switch like that, this didn’t really matter, but having that wired wrong made a difference when Video Doorbell v2 and its Chime Controller were added to the circuit. Getting that corrected solved my problems, so it’s something I recommend people check before beginning the installation.

I hope this is helpful! I really like the Video Doorbell v2.

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I would have suggested taking a small paint brush and dusting off the chime internals. :rofl::rofl:

I tend to use a vacuum with a dusting attachment and/or electronics duster can. What I’m really curious about is the functional state of the current doorbell. That, the output of the transformer, and determining whether or not the current chime is wired correctly are going to be the keys to a successful installation, I think.