I upgraded from Wyze video doorbell v1 to Wyze video doorbell v2. When I finally got the v2 doorbell to work with my house mechanical doorbell chime, the results were very poor. The chime controller reduced the voltage (I think) causing the chime to be very quite and to only chime once instead of a double chime that is normal with the front door.
As a result, I un-installed the Wyze video doorbell v2 and re-install the original Wyze video doorbell. This doorbell disables the house chime but includes a digital chime that plugs into a wall outlet. This chime works great and is very loud. However, I would still like to use the v2 doorbell as it has several features that the original doesn’t have.
Can I use the v1 chime that shipped with the doorbell on the v2 doorbell? Or is there another Wyze doorbell chime I can get that will work with the v2 doorbell?
No. There is no remote wireless chime that will work with the V2.
There are ways to get the doorbell to use Google and Alexa Smart Speakers as chimes, but it currently requires another Wyze device for an Automation Trigger.
BEWARE – Wyze marketing for the Wyze Doorbell v2 is a disaster. The FAQ says “Wyze Video Doorbell v2 is a true UPGRADE from our original wired doorbell, delivering some of our most requested features in a new, shiny black package.” Unfortunately, it is NOT an upgrade because it does not work with the Wyze Chime. I bought the v2 for a paraplegic friend when his current Wyze doorbell failed multiple times to take a firmware upgrade. I figured that instead of a bunch of troubleshooting, I would just UPGRADE to v2. He does not have an existing old school, 16V chime on his house and now that the v1 Chime is not compatible, he has no way to tell if someone is at the door!!! I finally dug all the way through the FAQ to find at the very bottom that the Chime is not compatible with the Doorbell v2 – what???
I am also ready to change from Ring to Wyze but must have a remote chime. Both my wife and i have offices in different parts of the house and we must have a remote chime to the doorbell
I just moved from Ring to Wyze Video Doorbell V2. I like the camera and other features, especially the continuous recording to an SD card for local storage. However, the chime thing is soooooo dumb that V2 doesn’t support chimes. Like, extremely dumb. Infuriatingly dumb. The functionality exists on V1 but not V2? Especially since so many people are having issues getting the “chime controller” from V2 to work in their existing doorbell.
That said, I would still recommend getting the V2 to those who want it. V1 with Chimes are great. V2 has the additional features and you can buy an Amazon Echo Pop for like $18 and have the doorbell chime thru it. A bit of a work around, and you have to trust an Echo device which I know some people don’t, but it’s certainly a work around that works well.
I was also hoping it would be a quick an easy upgrade from v1 to v2 and now I can’t get doorbell to work, just figure out how to make the digital one to work, please
If you are having trouble getting the house CHIME to work, ensure you have a 24 V transformer. I had a 16 V and when I swapped it out for a 24 V the door chime started working. Apparently the Wyze Chime Controller requires 24 V. No it is NOT in any of the instructions but I have read it from others here on the forum.
Why not just make the v2 compatible with a wireless door chime? More sales for the company unless they still have tons of stock of the v1 to sell. It’s just a software upgrade for sure and then wireless chime can work with it. Is it a choice between wireless chime or built in storage. I guess there’s really no “perfect” product
Im actually getting annoyed with Wyze. I have been a supporter of their products and have filled my house with them. Today though, i upgraded my Wyze Doorbell to the Wyze doorbell v2 just to find that its not compatible with the Wyze Chime! This makes absolutely no sense!!
To top it off, using cameras as chimes, my most recent indoor camera upgrades to the Wyze Cam v4 arent compatible either, like wtf wyze!!! Features need to stay consistent, otherwise the product will become too annoying for the user. Nothing is stopping the company from adding all the cameras to be compatible, and definitely no excuse for the Wyze Chime from not working. Fix this and do better.