Good morning.
Bottom line: I have lots of Wyze devices. Only the Wyze v3 cameras are not connecting to the new Wifi gateway. And I have 3 of them, so its not just one. I have vacuum, filter, hvac control, floodlight, cam OG, cam pam v3, outdoor hub/cam … all of these work and connect without any issues. And also they connect without really any intervention; when I switch over the router using the same SSID/password.
Background: All three Wyze v3 cams are using latest firmware ( I’m updating my home router. Everything is the same from my previous router to the new one (minus the upgraded hardware but same manufacture; netgear). Exactly the same settings, SSID names, types of encryption, passphrase, same IP range, etc. Note, I do not share SSID names between 2.4 and 5 Ghz. Above that, I have the exact same firmware on both routers (dd-wrt); so it is exactly the same interface for each router.
So when I enable my new router, almost everything in my house associates just fine to the 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks as I use the same ssid/passphrase. I don’t have to do anything more. All my wyze devices, all my normal devices, etc.
I’ve troubleshot this numerous times with many resets (cameras and router), I got to the point where I have my new router plugged into a LAN port on my old router; turn off the radio for the old 2.4 wifi, turn on the wifi for the new 2.4 … and then monitor. Every single time, my three Wyze v3s are the ones not connecting.
I have tried to hard reset, re-associated them, etc. 2 of my cameras are in harder to reach areas, so I prefer not to do that thought I have tried with 2 cameras. And it gives me an error after scanning the qr code; having the wifi/passphrase, and then saying it cannot find the network even though it shows up.
I really don’t want to buy 3 new cam OGs when I have perfectly working Wyze v3s. I also don’t want to have my old router tethered to my new one just for three Wyze cameras either.
There has to be some known issue to help me not go crazy; and it cannot be this difficult because only Wyze v3 are having issues.