Wyze V2 Doorbell not longer recording events or sending notifications

Thank you for posting this update. Because of all the problems I’ve read about in this topic and others, I’ve been wary about recent firmware and am still using my Doorbell with the firmware from January.

I’m glad you’re having positive experiences, and I think it’s important to share those. I’d still like to see more reassuring messaging from Wyze about a definitive fix for the notifications issue, because I’m really interested in trying the Wide Dynamic Range feature.

Sounds like a recall time. :wink:

I have installed my doorbell v2 for about three weeks and it functions without issues so far. The firmware is in 8444 and I’m also hesitated to update it to the latest firmware after reading above comments. I think it is safe to say that at least 8444 is working…

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Vote to have this fix in June Fix it Friday.


Don’t want to put a damper on your efforts, my dB v2s are running Notifications and recordings are working fine for me on Android phone along with Alexa and GHome person announcements. Hope you get your fix but not at a cost of mine getting broken. I’ve had a couple issues that were evently traced to the sdcard getting bricked in the doorbell. But I also subscribe to CP+/CP Unlimited.

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Thanks for sharing this. I think it’s important to know about successes as well as failures following updates. I still haven’t updated mine since January, but I appreciate having this as another data point to factor into my decision.

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Not getting the event recordings either. Been over 24 hours with nothing. Ive tried everything i can think of. I do have an sdcard in as well running firware 9807 hooked up to alexa. No person deted no door bell no nothing. Ita getting extremely frustrating its not working and turning to wyze support has rendered useless as they have no clue what they are doing.

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The only way I got it working again was to factory reset the doorbell

Did that actually resolve your issues with the Doorbell? Your previous post indicated that you were still having problems at that time.

Are you saying that you’re now on the latest firmware with your Doorbell and successfully receiving notifications? I genuinely hope that’s the case, because I still haven’t updated mine after reading so many reports of problems here.

Strange thing happened last night door bell was off line , ok maybe update so after a while I shut power to it still nothing.
So since the door bell transformer is wired to the internet circuit I unhooked the white (common) wire and door bell was still on. So undid the green wire now doorbell off reconnected the white wire only seams to be doing normal but all cameras even it are still hit and miss.
Will see how it goes for a couple of days.

On this one after factory reset notification are working

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Right on. Thanks for the reply! I might have to take the plunge and try updating mine. :game_die::crossed_fingers:

I did a factory reset as well as unhooking everything last week as was having the same issue. It maybe worked for 5 days and now its down again. Getting pretty frustrating when you gotta reboot and unhook everything every couple days.

I did that exact same thing last week. Now its down again.

I think you may try restarting your device on a daily basis by creating a rule in your app. This is what I read from some good folks in reddit and how they temporarily solved the notification issue.


That’s an interesting suggestion. I didn’t realize that was an available Rules Action for the Video Doorbell v2, but I see it there in the app. I appreciate this input, and I’ll keep it in mind.

I set up that rule for my 2 vdbv2s. So far it appears to have kept my db’s up and running. I did have an issue that was traced to a bricked sdcard that made the db stop working. Anything else clears up on its own and can be traced to the occasional Wyze or AWS hiccups.

I just had mine go offline for the 3rd time or so. It seems to go offline almost weekly, without notice. Ill just notice the orange flashing rings. I have to disconnect the power each time to reset.

What’s the size and how old is your transformer? It could be power issue and device goes into fault.

For my case, I can do live view. Don’t see db offline, automatic reboot itself, nor LED turn on/flashing. However, I can’t get db to record motion event when I walked pass by it

A new 24 volt the old one was a 16 volt. Everything works good just no notification or recordings also no markers on SD card has to be the detection hardware or AI software it worked fine until second update out of the box.
Too bad we can’t rollback.

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