I am looking to replace my Nest, ever since they removed the Works with Nest API most of the automation I used no longer works. I will hold off until WYZE brings theirs out then decide between them and probably Ecobee.
Google screwed up when they bought Nest and removed that works with Nest.
I was ok with them buying Nest and for the longest time the left it alone, but I agree when they did the branding and killed the API without having something in place to replace everything you could previously do that was a huge mistake. I am still using the Works with Nest API, but it requires me to fix the connection about every other day and I am tired of it.
I remember when they did this they said that if you went to the Google lab you couldn’t go back and use that’s the way you used to. So I never merge to the new account. So all my Nest stuff is still the old way until they forced me to merge
I have not merged yet either, the main thing that stops working is the connection with SmartThings/WebCore, I just checked and events only show me the last 7 days and there are none so the connection broke again over a week ago. I just do not have the time anymore to reprogram it all every 2 or 3 days. So Google either has until this thermostat comes out to fix it or I will be switching to something else.
Super excited for the Wyze smart thermostat. Will be buying two for my home. I hope they will have an early access sale for these, whenever they become available!!
Keep up the outstanding work, Wyze team!! I use several Wyze products and love the quality, ease of use and pricing.
Hay @mike.s,
Can you tell us if there is going to be remote temperature sensor for Wyze Thermostat? Or is that not an option? I ask, because this will determine if I will be getting a Wyze Thermostat or an Ecobee Thermostat. As I said before, my Honeywell Wifi Thermostat is on its way out and it keeps shutdown.
@mike.s - there several requests for temperature sensors separate from the thermostat on this thread. Will Wyze be offering that? Thanks!
Yes! We will be adding a temperature and humidity sensor as part of our Sense line which will be able to be used as a set point for Thermostat. We are pushing hard on both products but it’s possible there may be a short time where that specific integration isn’t 100% complete.
Great, thanks!!
How many sensors will I be able to add to the thermostat? And will it take the Average of all the rooms + Thermostat itself?
We actually haven’t fully decided that yet! The plan so far was to be able to use a specific sensor as the set-point (vs taking the average), but I’m very curious to hear your needs. Please share!
Great news!!!
I have multiple rooms which have different temperatures. Living room will have the Wyze Thermostat as the sensor, guest room, kids room and the master bedroom will need a Wyze temperature sensor each. The thermostat can take a reading of the Wyze Thermostat and room sensors and calculate how much more hot or cold air to push via the HVAC system.
I believe Ecobee does same thing.
It would be great if there were different Advanced options. I’d make the default the thermostat temperature. But, the user could choose 1) a different sensor to key to, 2) the average of selected (or all) sensors, or 3) a function where it is actuvated whenever ANY (or selected) sensor triggers a max or min temperature setting.
Do you experience a lot of connectivity issues? In the reviews it appears to be a common issue. We have 110V baseboard heat at our cottage and losing connectivity frequently while being over 200 miles away would defeat the purpose.
I understand they all do at times. We have a nest at home and losing connectivity is a rare issue for us there.
There is a huge gap in the market when it comes to line voltage heat smart thermostats. We have electric baseboard heat at our cottage and need the ability to control heat in each room when we are away. This would require a smart thermostat for each heater.
I understand Wyze is currently working on a smart thermostat for other hvac systems however I believe this is an area in which Wyze may have the ability to conquer the market!
Yes…Ecobee has this and I would propose Wyze take this feature as a requirement. I have three floors, but only a thermostat on floor 2 and 3. It’s hard for me to regulate temp on floor 1, but I feel this type of solution would help.
I think multiple sensors would be good, and I am not sure if someone else has suggested this but if there was something to handle multiple HVAC systems in the same house that would be great as heating and cooling lower levels does effect the upper level systems. And I personally dont care what the temperature is downstairs at night( because there are no bedrooms) but I do care for the upstairs. Multi-sensor/multi units would need to communicate regularly to help balance needs. I also have a basement without a thermostat at all but it regulates itself pretty well most of the time.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Refrigerator / Freezer Temperature Sensor