Unfortunately, this forum is the only way Wyze allow communication with their engineers (or anyone else in their organization for that matter). I wish they had put out an “ideas@wyze.com” email but they don’t; sorry. They do not use external email or Whatsapp etc etc. This was targeted at them.
I also get (so no need to point it out) that this forum could, and more often than not seems to, operate on the placebo effect i.e. like those pedestrian push buttons at traffic lights that are not actually connected to anything, but help the pedestrians feel better about themselves (I am in control). At least I got rid of my frustrations.
I think having an option to add temperature sensors would be nice. My home is over 3000 sqft but we don’t use all of it all the time. There should be an option for which parts of the house you want at the desired temperature and at what time.
One good example probably in your case is with multi-level homes, it is well known that the upper levels are hotter than the lower ones so you might want to control the temp given the readings of certain level perhaps different from the one where the thermostat is. For example one common set is the thermostat in the main level and at night at “sleep” time the family is all upstairs in their bedrooms.
I agree. Adding sensors that can control the thermostat via setting sensor priority would be nice. Further capability to then use sensors to support zoning (if the home has it) would be better.
Yes I was thinking more in the zoning idea. Maybe for houses that don’t have multiple HVAC units there could be some smart vents? I know that upstairs will always cost a lot more to cool and if the unit needs to run constantly you are losing a lot of cold air to unused parts of the house unless you are shutting vent doors as you leave
The system you seek can be had by asking a HVAC installer. HVAC people have stuff like motorized vents and temperature zones and stuff. Wyze just needs to stick to inexpensive cameras and sensors that talk to each other so I can use them like Lego blocks and build my own setups… cheaply.
Wyze is all about making your life and home smarter. So having a Wyze Thermostat makes a lot of sense to make the everage person be able to automate their home with out going the route of SmartThings or Hubitat Home Automation(HA) way. Which I may add is $$$. Ask me or anyone else on those forums.
I know I didn’t list it but the thermostat is a good idea… I actually created a thread asking for a way to connect sensors to A thermostat that may (or may not) have prompted Wyze to come clean about theirs.
My comment was referring to the folks who want Wyze to cross into the world of complex HVAC systems, specifically. It moves Wyse from DIY products to Pro turnkey systems with the price increase and having to get a bigger support staff that comes with all that. Because complex questions come with complex answers.
So hear me out, Wyze Thermostats, I would love to have a Wyze stat to control my ac from my phone. Many WiFi stats exist so why not add on to your product list? It would be great! Let me know!
Moderator Note: This is a merged #wishlist submission.
While I know most of the other Wyze devices don’t exactly have this, I’d like a form of LAN-based control if possible. Many of us really like Wyze’s products but may already have other “smart home” ecosystems we make use of (inherited over time in my case) and want to be able to use a central orchestrator, such as Home Assistant, to help manage all these things in one place.
Didnt see this specifically listed and I think this is definitely something you folks should do. Compete against these way overpriced Nests and other thermostats on the market. I want to be able to manage my home temperature and have it learn patterns to adapt and potentially permit me to save money on energy spent heating/cooling.
I’ve never heard of a 9 thermostat system, but newfangled HVAC for large houses is multi-zone… sensor based zoning (multiple sensors, one thermostat/controller) and system based zoning (multiple smaller systems, individual interconnected thermostats). I run a hybrid with 8 sensors and 3 thermostats across 3 zones (levels) with the master on the main floor.