Wyze Scale s Borked after latest update

Looks like the latest update borked the Wyze
Scale s from connecting. We have a user who downgraded to version and was then able to re-add the scale. Could someone from the software development team please look into this?

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Hey, me too. I have a Pixel 7 (Android 13 (Build number: TQ3A.230705.001)) and a Wyze Scale S (Firmware 1.0.107), it worked fine for about year, but recently, it will not retrieve the weight and info from a measure. I also have an iPad, with the app installed, it works fine with the scale. Both Pixel 7 and Scale S are fully updated.

Any Ideas on getting this bug to the developers?

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They are aware that Pixel phones are having a Bluetooth pairing conflict and are prioritizing a resolution. It seems the issue is only affecting Pixel phones since Google implemented some weird stuff differently than every other phone manufacturer, but Wyze seems determined to resolve it ASAP. Be on the lookout for a hotfix soon.


What’s weird is that my Pixel 5 is currently not experiencing any Bluetooth issues with Wyze yet…I’ve had some Bluetooth pairing issues in the past due to Google’s weirdness with Bluetooth, but for some reason I am not having any this time while everyone else is. :man_shrugging: I can’t figure out what I have set up differently in mine than everyone else but I’d love to figure it out so I could tell people what they can try to get it to work for them too.

So… I was hoping that Wyze/Google would come out with a fix. Very strangely, had a Power outage due to a storm, and once everything came back online, it now works correctly. I had rebooted everything in my house with Bluetooth connectivity and reset most of the settings. It’s working now with the Google Pixel 7. Not sure what happened, but it is all good now.