Our two year old robot vacuum is wobbling when it’s traveling a straight path with a loud squeak and when it’s turning around objects it bounces and makes a loud banging noise. The left side lifts up in the air and bangs when it comes back down. I cleaned it thoroughly and replaced the filter and brushes. The front wheels is not clogged and turns freely. I cannot see an easy way to clean the back wheels. Has anyone experienced this and what is the fix?
Not easy, but here’s a guide that should help…
Wyze WVCR200s Wheels Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide
Lately some people have had issues with the wires breaking on the wheel assembly. The symptom is usually that it just goes in circles, I’ve also heard that it can still kinda clean the room. Symptom probably varies a bit depending on which wire is damaged. So check those wires closely.
Otherwise may need to disassemble the wheel assembly, might be some debris in there causing issues.
Thanks. I’ll tear it down and see what if anything needs cleaning.
Did you ever figure out what was wrong and how to fix the issue? Mine is doing the same thing.
Where can you pick up the wheel assemblies? My vac looks like it is off-roading on vinyl tile floor all of a sudden. Pretty sure this could be my issue. Just want to know if I break down my vac and it’s not junked up inside and I need the parts that I can get them. I don’t see an easy link to them on the Wyze site and I hate dealing with their support.
Search for “STYTJ02YM wheels” (e.g. aliexpress) which is the model Wyze is based on. Carefully inspect the wires (mainly at the connector) as that is a common issue with these wheel assemblies, it can be fixed by soldering-on the broken wire.
I have links to those here…
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