I just purchased these Wyze plugs to automate my Holiday tree. I cannot use the Time of day feature to set a schedule. When I do attempt to add it it says an update is needed then it takes me to the update area which it says already up to date. I have to manually turn on the tree and then set a timer to shut off ? Not wat I was hoping to do with these plugs. The outdoor plug works great since Ii set a scedule, just cant get the indoor plug to do the same.
The Time of Day feature is just a way to keep schedules going when you lose the Internet. It is not used to give you schedules. For that, just set a Rule with a start and a stop time.
In order to get the Time of Day firmware for the 2021 Plug (V2), you would have to load Beta firmware. But you don’t need that for schedules. Just set a Rule.
But does Plug v2 schedule work in place of a rule? Or do I have to set a rule and a schedule? If so, that seems redundant and cumbersome.
Yes. What you used to do in the cloud with a rule, you can now do locally with a Time of Day schedule. The only difference is the schedule will now run without Internet.
I was just trying to impress that there should be no panic to get this firmware, as it does not bring schedules to the Plugs. You already had them with Rules.
Got it. Thanks so much for clearing that up for me.
The bit at the end of rules always flusters me. I wasn’t sure I was doing it correctly the first couple of times. I looked for a how-to video on Wyze but didn’t find anything.