Wyze pans error code 90, tried every step I could find

On iOS -

My two pans have been working fine until this morning. I went out of town and the two pans refuse to connect . So far i have :
powered them on and off.
Logged off of WiFi to 4g , logged in and out of the app
Deleted and reinstalled the app

The Wyze Cam v2 on my porch is fine and has connected back up through all my trouble shooting, which tells me it’s not my WiFi or app.

I bought these two weeks ago specifically for the trip I am on, they worked fine for two weeks and now the first night away the two pans have stopped connecting. They fail on step one trying to connect over and over.

Thank you

Starting about half an hour ago, all of my PANs and v2 wyzecams are showing an error code -90 in the android app also. The motion alerts were working fine until then and none have recorded since about 30 minutes ago.
What is interesting is that my v1 wyzecams are all working fine still but none of the v2 or pans are. I’ve tried the remote app camera restart procedure on all and none have reconnected and all still show the -90 error code.

This is being discussed in the thread below.

Sorry about the issue. There is a service interruption that we are actively working on. Please refer to this thread.

Thank you both for the replies. Interestingly enough I’m still getting notifications. One camera also sent me a motion clip and a sound notification .

Both of my cameras are offline since Saturday and will not come back online no matter how often I power cycle them down.

I found the fix on youtube and they are both working great. But follow the instruction to a T or it won’t work. How To Get Wyze Cam Yellow Offline Status Light - YouTube


Hi @stuckigs!

Glad to hear you found a fix for your cam. If you would like to share the link to the YouTube video for others, that would be great. :slightly_smiling_face:


I added it, glad you said something I thought I did add it. :slight_smile:


Awesome! :slightly_smiling_face: