My Wyze pan & scan cam misses events because it follows bugs, rain, moving leaves, the sun. It missed some criminal activity on my property because of this. Have done hours of troubleshooting with Wyze, Adjusted every setting to no avail. Very disappointed.
One thing that can help is to turn off the IR lights. They attract bugs and cause a lot of reflection off objects, including weather.
These devices don’t have local edge AI built into them, so they do track the biggest motion, and bugs or weather can get pretty close to the camera and seem bigger than a person that is far away taking up fewer pixels.
That is too bad to hear it missed some stuff you wish it had caught. You might consider telling the camera not to track movement, or just use pan scanning. Either way, there will always be potential blind spots with most pan cams. This is one reason I like the Floodlight Pro so much over pan cameras, because the lens covers the entire 180 degree view and misses nothing. I wish they’d make a Pan camera with the same Floodlight Pro lens that sees everything, then have a second camera that pans around and can zoom in.
Thanks, I’ll try turning off the IR lights. Then how will it show videos in the dark? This guy does most of his shenanigans at night. The area that pan scan cam covers is quite wide. We live in a very rural area with quite a bit of acreage and the section of road that he would walk on towards our property, and away from it is quite wide.
We do have the floodlight cam v2 that we haven’t installed yet but we didn’t want to install a floodlight cam at that gate (we have the v1 at the other gate) because the floodlight makes it impossible to sneak around taking videos of him trespassing and doing other criminal things. Videos taken with an iPhone are always clearer than videos the Wyze cams take at night. And sometimes both the scan pan and the floodlight cam miss events.
Thanks much for your suggestion. We’ll see how that works out tonight.
Check on stand alone ir illuminators, like IR floodlights that you can mount outside, away from the camera to illuminate an area that cameras in light vision mode can use for illumination.
Thanks, I’ll try that.
Any fixes being looked at for the IR lights attracting bugs? I put up a camera and it’s non stop all night being triggered by bugs. I don’t have an option or would want to add other lights and turning off the IR makes it impossible to see any night time video.
Why not have the camera keep the IR lights off until motion is detected then turn them on while the motion is present? Like game cameras do.
If you can’t see nighttime video with IR off, the Cam Pan v3 also can’t see.
If you can’t see, neither can the cam, so it won’t see/detect motion.
Game cameras use a PIR sensor to detect motion (moving heat signature), trigger the IR on and start recording. Cam Pan v3 is not equipped with a PIR sensor, but Cam Outdoor and Battery Cam Pro use PIR.
Thanks, didn’t know that about the cam pan v3, I will look into the other two options you listed. Maybe a selectable timer where motion needs to be present for an amount of time before notification, bugs are in and out in mS where a person, animal, car is much longer.
Same problem here. Someone suggested turning off IR and mounting an external IR some distance from the camera, but although I got a powerful IR and repositioned it several times it doesn’t throw enough light. This problem caused the state to drop a felony charge against my neighbor who set my property on fire because, first, without the camera’s IR on the video was too dark in the middle of the night to ID the guy definitively and second, every bug caused the camera to pan away from the crime scene. I now have to turn off Track Motion and Pan Scan at night and point the camera in the direction of the road from his house, which of course prevents tracking him if he does something else criminal. I had to mount cellular trail cams to compensate. It does fine during the day but is almost useless at night.
I have a floodlight cam pro at my other gate but that area requires a narrower field of view. At my 2nd gate I needed that pan scan to cover a much wider area.
My other issue with the pan scan is that its motor is so loud that it constantly alerts me to crying and meowing and glass breaking. I can’t turn off noise detection because this guy walks through my bushes and yells at the camera and I need that evidence. And it often seems to get stuck looking down the tree where it’s mounted so I constantly have to reset it.
Less and less pleased with my Wyze cams and Wyze’s insistence on endless troubleshooting instead of taking responsibility and making improvements.
Maybe install better lighting? Flood the place with light dusk till dawn.
Cheaper than moving.
Good idea to flood the area but that makes it harder for us to hide in the bushes undetected with a telephoto lens. We did pay the electric company to install lights on 2 utility poles. This is a very rural area with no street lamps. That and placing a battery cam pro nearby helped but all that was after the fact. He was arrested and charged but the state dropped the initial felony charge and will pursue only a misdemeanor charge with a few slap on the wrist terms because as I said they said the video wasn’t clear enough.
He’s already trespassed from my property and we have an injunction but although an injunction looks very bad on your record, it’s hard to enforce.
Next to where our house is we have 10 acres of uninhabited land that’s very hard to monitor. That’s where he set the fire but luckily at the start of the 10 acres closer to our house where we were able to install a power source and router. He already stole 3 trail cams from further down and now torched a 4th. Have to figure out how to monitor that whole area with no router or power source along most of those 10 acres.
The video taken by the pan and scan cam is maddening not just because it’s too dark but also because it keeps panning away to follow bugs while he’s busy setting the fire. I wish Wyze built in options to ignore insects, rain, wind. It’s incalculable how many hours I’ve spent with them and on my own tweaking settings.
I thought a pan and scan camera was a great idea but now I realize its many drawbacks, at least for a property like ours. This one is a replacement for the 1st one that got stuck looking down its tree and nothing we did got it to track again. Disappointing.
No we’re not moving because of a creep with criminal charges in at least 2 counties that we know of.
Here is an applicable wish list you may want to support.
I voted but a wish thread that was started over 5 1/2 years ago I’m sure no one at Wyze cares.
Thanks for providing more detail. Sounds like you need a real security system with roaming guard dogs and patrols.
Yes if we could only afford that.