Wyze Cam Pan v. 3 No Night Vision

My Cam Pan v.3 lost internet connectivity and could not be recovered. I replaced it with a new, in a sealed box, Cam Pan v.3 I kept as a spare. It connected immediately but only displays a clear visual during daylight. After dark presents a clouded screen. I see the infrared lights at night but they apparently do not work.



What I’m hearing from you is during the day you get a good color image. At night you are seeing not much as shown in your screenshot. You observed the IR lights on.

Try going into advanced settings and turn on Night Vision mode. Leave the IR filter on.

Go back to the cameras live stream. Do you see a clear black and white image or do you see what’s in your screen shot.

I’ll be curious what you see as I suspect the IR filter may not be working.

If you toggle the Night Vision mode on and off you should hear a small click. That is the IR filter being Toggled.

Hi, thanks but…no change.

For what it’s worth, the Night Vision settings were the same as the previous Cam Pan v.3.

In any event, same clouded view.

Do you hear the clicking noise? It is faint. If you don’t then I suspect the ir filter may be bad.

Have you looked to verify the cam isn’t pointed down at the base or into a wall - sometimes the IR lights cause it to do that.

But I’m guessing your IR filter is getting stuck part way on/off. Maybe cycle the night mode on and off several times and see if it comes unstuck. If not I’d just exchange it for a new one (maybe do that anyway as who knows if unsticking it would be a permanent fix).

Yep. Camera is facing properly and will track me normally. Just no night vision.

I have toggled the night vision on and off a few times and restarted the camera several times all with negative results.

It tracks you even when the image is messed up like that? That would imply some issue with the app, which would be odd that the video works during the day but not at night.

If you mean it tracks you fine during the day when the video is fine, that’s not what I meant. You need to verify that after the IR lights come on and the image starts looking like that, that it isn’t because it has tracked something down so it ends up staring at the base, or into a wall etc. The reason I mention it is mine looks very similar to that when that happens. Though I wouldn’t expect it to be doing that constantly, it should return to your set position after a while.

Just something to double check. But sounds like you probably need to get it swapped out. You can tap it on the side while cycling night on and off, or even use a strong magnet to try and free up the IR filter, but assuming you just got it, that doesn’t make sense to do, just exchange for a properly working one.

Yeah. Let me clarify that. It did track me during daylight and I’m not sure about after dark. I’ll check that tomorrow evening.

As far as the camera being aimed at the base or wall, not the case. It’s mounted in the middle of the yard on a narrow post and I can see it from the house. I have had one mounted there ever since the Cam Pan was introduced. Aimed at a deer feeder which is the default view it returns to.

I will have to work out a replacement directly with Wyze since I acquired it from their website. I also immediately ordered another so I have one in stock should there be yet another failure.

Yeah if it is facing “normally” and showing that, it’s a dud.

If you ordered recently it should be easy to exchange for a new one through their store support. If more than a month then it can be handled via warranty via normal support team.

I have one Panv3 mounted cam on top for 18+ months now, gets hit by rain and freezing cold and snow etc, still going strong. The other that I originally mounted cam on bottom started acting up after like 8 months and I determined water had gotten in around the rotating circle base. They sent a replacement and I mounted that one cam on top and has been that way for a year or so without issue.

The one that got water in it actually is back to life now after a couple days in a bag of rice, I keep it in a drawer and if I travel, set it up inside the house while I’m away (normally none in the house as I don’t trust a cloud cam for that purpose).

So I’ve found them to be pretty reliable, but obvious nothing is forever, especially at these prices.

Ah. I’m not alone then. I had a similar situation with one mounted in the same spot. Stopped rotating. I discovered water corroded the bearing. For fun I managed to extract it and I purchased a real bearing (cost as much as the camera) and it lasted a very long time.

Bought one of the black models when they came out and it filled with water and failed. They aren’t as weather resistant as they should be.

I hope support will replace this one. Thanks for the help.

If I ever mounted one upside down again I would put a ring of dielectric grease around that circle rotating part. I had done it around the power plug but figured that part would have been sealed (guess not).

So, I took your advice and stuck my ear next to the camera and toggled the Night Vision Mode several times listening for the click and I think I nudged it into working.

However, I noted the view was a tad cloudy. Not crystal clear. Then I remembered as the camera tilted down, the lower unit caused a reflection that distorted the picture.

I had resolved that on the previous Cam Pan by applying a piece of black gaffer tape on the top of the bottom cube. Picture is clear again. Yay!

Hope it lasts.

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I ended up painting the top of my bases matte black to reduce the glare from the night vision IR lights. It helps but of course black is not black in the IR spectrum so if it looks down far enough it still reflects a bit.

You’ve got a 1 year warranty so can wait and see, though it might be easier to just exchange it now rather than wait to see if the problem returns, up to you though.