That’s interesting. I have schedules on both outlets (different times) on several of my Outdoor plugs. They work fine. I can easily confirm that power really is being turned off and back on because what is being controlled are Wyze cameras that have µSD cards set to continuous record. I can see when the camera goes away because there is a one minute gap in the µSD card recording. My Outdoor plugs are firmware version
Its been frustrating since it stopped shuting off, or turning on, both of our yard lights. ( only outlet 1 works properly by schedule)
I tried resetting the outdoor plug, and re-setting up simple schedules, which they were simple schedules to beging with On/Off Dawn, Dusk ( which is the same for both outlets) and only the 1st outlet works properlly. Second outlet doesn’t turn on or off, I have to manually do it.
I haven’t been able to replicate the issue, but I’ve read about it for months. I have no idea if or when Wyze will officially comment about it or address it but imagine it’ll appear on a fix-it-friday list again at some point.
The question I always have is why people don’t just set it up with a Schedule type Automation (formerly Rule) as an alternative. I understand that Automations require an Internet connection to run and that the Plug Outdoor (and some models of Wyze Plug) have Local Schedules stored on the devices themselves, so maybe the Local Schedules work better for some use cases, but if someone has a reliable Internet connection then it seems like using Automations should work just as well.
Then there’s this:
If the Local Schedule is working on Outlet 1 and you want Outlet 2 to have the same schedule, then one option might be to leave the Outlet 1 Local Schedule as-is and then add Device & Service Trigger type Automations so that when Outlet 1 turns on (or off), Outlet 2 also turns on (or off). It may not be ideal, because it’s kind of a half-local/half-cloud solution, but it might achieve the effect you want until the Local Schedules issue is resolved.
I appreciate the time you had take to reply back.
I took your advice and created an Automation Schedule to Turn ON and Turn Off, based upon the 1st Outlet Turning On/ Off Schedule.
I will see if this is working this evening
(I use the outdoor plug for security lighrting 1 Decorative Security Lights to keep the yard lit at night, and outlet 2 is for a LED Spot light.)
In regards to your question why people dont use the Automation my first thought most people take the easiest path, and it is easier to scheule, then it is to setup rules (now automation).
Rules to me, when the introduced it, were just more of a pain, whereas Scheduling was easier, for something simple as turnin on/off lights at scheduled times.
My concern from my experience, is the light wont turn off, if there are internet interruptions from Wyze, and there has been quite a few over the years. Some not of Wyze’s doing but the host providers AWS? I presume.
All in all, I will see if the Automation does the trick.
Yeah, I think that’s a completely valid concern. I actually like the Automations/Rules route because I like being able to see my automations at once rather than tapping a few layers into individual device settings to see Local Schedules, but I totally understand why other people have other preferences. I like having choices.
Fingers crossed, and should know by 7:30 pm or so when the sun goes down, OR the internet goes down
““I like being able to see my automations at once rather than tapping a few layers into individual device settings “”””
Good point, now that I realize the differences you pointed out.
All the updates over the years, I rarely go back and view or kick the tires of their app changes, More of a Set it and Forget it mindset, regarding the cams/lights.
Only when there are outages or weird things happening, I tend to dive in.
Yes Choices are good!
Glad you pointed out the Automation to me.
Yeah, and that’s another advantage of setting your on/off with Local Schedules on Plug Outdoor, because it has that Brightness setting that’s supposed to respond to ambient light. That’s why if setting a Schedule type Automation doesn’t do what you want, then you might want to use a Device & Service Trigger instead (if you’re using the Brightness setting for Socket 1), because you could then just rely on the Socket 1 “on” or “off” state change to trigger the same thing on Socket 2.
Yeah, and it’s nice that in this case you have options to try something else if the primary method fails.
""Yeah, and that’s another advantage of setting your on/off with Local Schedules on Plug Outdoor, because it has that Brightness setting that’s supposed to respond to ambient light. That’s why if setting a Schedule type Automation doesn’t do what you want, then you might want to use a Device & Service Trigger instead (if you’re using the Brightness setting for Socket 1), because you could then just rely on the Socket 1 “on” or “off” state change to trigger the same thing on Socket 2. “”
I remember a long time ago, maybe 2 years or so I tried the Brightness setting and remember it not doing anything…That is the next thing I will try, either way it goes…In fact if that works well, I may just end up using the Brightness setting instead.
Again, Glad you pointed that out to me!
““I hope it works the way you want it to!””
Will post on outcome later today so that anyone reading your posts, and my results will know if that these options may fit the situation.
I have had this issue since last Christmas and was beating my head thinking I was doing something wrong. Thanks for the fix, gonna try and switch it around tonight. I wanted to buy two more but was waiting for a fix. (Guess it’s not coming) but atleast I know how to make it work before it drains my pool again. I use it to control the cover pump as well and thought it would turn off after I set it up. It didn’t sometimes fixing these minor things are just as important as others. Thanks again for the means to correct this.