I’ve tried resetting, unplugging for a full day, clear out zone save and then recreate zone. It will still tag and detect objects in blacked out area of detection zone. Latest firmware on both camera and app. Ive read and applied every direction ive been able to find. As a exercise i blacked out whole area but 2 blocks and it still tagged and recorded moving objects. Im posting my current settings on it for any help from all of you. Thank you for your time
That might be the problem. Wyze is reportedly investigating. You may wish to acquaint yourself with the following related topics:
I have had the same problem since v1.0.82 update - i.e. Zone Detection stops working and motion is detected in excluded areas. It appears that Restarting each camera fixes the issue but only for a few hours. I have set up scheduled Restarts at 7am, 12pm and 7pm that seem to help.
Welcome to the Forum, @TerryL!
I believe @dave27 (who has written extensively in the topics I mentioned above about rebooting Cam OGs to temporarily resolve the issue) mentioned the possibility of scheduling restarts as a provisional measure, so I’m glad to read that you’re seeing some positive results with that. If you look at those other topics, you’ll see that an official Wyze Team member has posted to let the community know that they’re investigating the issue, so that seems like a positive development.
I hadn’t actually tested rebooting them yet, just toggling detection zone off and on. I was going to look and see if a rule to toggle motion detection completely off and on would fix it, and if not possibly a reboot rule. Problem is one of my cams is doing it multiple times a day, so I guess I’d need to fire the rule every couple hours.
Was hoping there would be an update or solution by now so have been putting off toying with rules, but probably going to have to.
The frequency of recurrence definitely seems to depend on how much motion happens in the excluded zone, the one that does it most frequently definitely has the most motion outside the zone as the excluded area is a semi-busy street.
That’s right. I read a lot here, and I think I was misremembering this:
My apologies for the mischaracterization of your efforts. Caput mea in ano erat.
I mean, its all basically the same thing at this point. A rule or workaround to prevent me throwing the phone at the wall while I’m on a conference call and every car going by is setting off the alert. I can deal with one annoyance at a time, and the conference calls take care of that just fine on their own.
Heck at this point I’m considering a piece of electrical tape on the lens to physically block the street from view.
Thank you all so much for your feedback. Perhaps it is a issue with the latest firmware, but it has only affected 2 of 5 wyze og cams i have and all 5 have the latest firmware. Everything others have tried, i have too. No luck yet.
For me I’ve noticed it seems to affect the cams with a lot of detection (both in and out of the detection zone) a lot more quickly than others with normal amounts. I have one OG I have to toggle several times a day, one that was about 1 time per day, and another that can go several days as it hardly sees motion (watching my back door).
But now one of the ones that gets a lot of motion has gone 4 days without needing to toggle. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what I did or didn’t do differently on that camera. It has even rebooted during that time (they both did) and still working fine. Another one watching pretty much the same area from a different angle with lots of excluded motion is the one that does it multiple times per day. It almost seems like more excluded motion than included is somehow a trigger for the issue.
Wyze has asked a few of us to install a special firmware to capture more detailed logs. So hopefully that will discover something.
In my case I have 3 OG’s at my cottage. I use the DZ to eliminate areas with trees/tree branches swaying in the wind or causing moving shadows on the ground on sunny days. The 2 cameras with the most issues are the ones with the most movement in the excluded DZ areas so I agree with @dave27 that this issue appears to be related to the frequency of detected movements.
July 30 was windy all day and I found manually restarting each camera that showed an issue worked for 20 min to several hours.
On July 30 evening I set up 12 scheduled restarts - 1 every 2 hours. This is easy to do - all 3 cameras are in a group and you can select the group for the restart.
The scheduled restarts save me the time of manually toggling the DZ OFF/ON or manually restarting a camera.
In the last 48 hours I only had to manually restart 1 camera for an excluded DZ area alert.
I guess the restart downside is that the cameras lose function for 20-30 sec each 2 hours. Not sure if there are other concerns with frequent restarts.
Note that I tried scheduling “Turn off motion detection” and “Turn on motion detection” but it didn’t work. The only action that works in the schedule is “Restart the camera”.
Hopefully the detailed logs (thank you @dave27 @robughblah) will help the programmers find the bug.
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