So awesome! Thanks for sharing @Shanee ! Exactly the type of thing I’d love to have! 
The only thing missing for me is the Wyze logo and Wyze integration (rules, etc).
So pitch/show that example to VP Steve too.
You guys already have a great AI team! Half way there!
I’ve seen and considered other cat doors that use an NFC chip (ie on the collar) instead, but I haven’t gotten anything yet.
Also still trying to convince myself to fork out the money for a self-cleaning litter box… But they’re so insanely expensive (another area needing some Wyze disruption). So far I have a teenager who can do that… It’s basically her ONLY chore (long story) and the reason I let my girls have cats despite my extremely high allergies to them
My allergy test level
On a scale of 0-100, Level 4 High severity is anything 1.41-3.90, and Severity Level 5 “VERY HIGH” is any reaction between 19.01 and 100. My Cat Dander Allergy severity is 99.70 out of 100, and I live with multiple CATS!!! 

The things I put up with for my girls and those little fuzzballs.
Doctor’s face was classic when I told him “No, I am not getting rid of our cats.”… He was probably considering whether he had the grounds to institutionalize me against my will. 
I take some allergy meds to help… But my allergies (I have some others too) don’t rule my life, I rule them. 
Wyze used to be a purely "Red Ocean Strategy"business model for so many years: Only pick products that already had a huge market and then just fight for a piece of that existing market share by making things more affordable, and disrupt the market that way (and I love this and fully support it continuing!)
I’ve been extremely excited and impressed with Wyze doing so many creative and innovative things lately though. Wyze is starting to branch out to more of a “blue ocean strategy” mindset where it doesn’t always matter if there is a preexisting large market for something. If the team comes up with a good idea, sometimes you make it happen, innovate, and make competitors chase you with things being worked on. I’m loving some of the creative and innovative concepts and solutions being researched and developed regardless of pre-established markets or existing companies offering them, or sometimes Wyze doing them differently than everyone else (ex: the camera/AI garage door controller), but also things not really done by any major market (Cam Plus Pro full home monitoring with just a cam; friendly Faces possibly doing things like not set off the alarm, Wyze Anything Recognition project, things VP Steve just mentioned in his recent AMA, and so many other things)
Keep up the great work Wyze Team!