Wyze lock: Auto-lock will not stay enabled in the app

I recently upgraded to a new phone. When I enable auto unlock the setting won’t stay enabled.

When I exit the app and then go back to the auto-unlock setting it is now turned back off.

I have tried restarting and then removing and re-installing the app.

My Wyze app version is v3.10 (564)

On my old phone the setting is still working properly.

My old phone is a pixel 2 XL running android 11.
The new phone (the one that has the problem) is a Motorola One 5G UW Ace running android 12

@lmester I am sorry this is happening.

Can you tell me if both of the phones are running the exact same version of the app? Can you let me know what firmware is running on the device? Can you submit a log and post the log number here?

Both phones are running app version v3.10 (564)

The phone that works is running Android version 11.
The new phone that does not work is runnnig Android 12.

The Wyze lock is running firmware

The log number is:1599992