The V1 is free of wires too, but has an option to add one if you like.
I don’t think I want Wyze to make a version that can’t use a probe. I really like having the option to use the probe. It’s so cool. There are a lot of things I can reach with the probe that normal leak sensors can’t reach or do very well. Plus I can use it as if it is 2 different sensors. Or if I don’t want the probe, I just disconnect it and it works great standalone too. This is a really great benefit over some of the competition IMO.
Has anyone tried this? Out of curiosity, if you disconnect the probe, will it still think the probe got wet if that connector spot gets water on it, thus connecting the circuit? Does it do anything? Does anyone know?
I also wonder if we could leverage that connector to turn a leak sensor into another kind of sensor…say, connect 2 wires to the probe connector spot, then set up a condition that will cause those wires to touch (or stop touching) when something happens…similar to a contact sensor but with way exact precision. A contact sensor is controlled by a magnet and so it has a lot of flexibility. The contact sensor has a range of several inches it can be away from the magnet and still show as connected. The leak sensor ** be able to be easily wired to have exactness and be used in a wide range of options, especially since it is water-resistant and could potentially be used outside (unlike the current contact sensors).
I wonder if anyone will come up with any creative and fun things to do with these by causing a full circuit (connection) to occur or break (disconnection), which this sensor calls a “Leak” or “Cleared Leak” but could be leveraged to be or do almost anything else too…especially since it allows rules and notifications. Now it’s got me thinking. This probe connection is so cool…we might be able to do all sorts of things without ever even having to modify the leak sensor itself at all.
Sorry, I was mostly thinking out loud to myself here, considering the cool potential these leak sensors have and what I might consider doing with them (in addition to leak or leak clear uses). I definitely don’t recommend anyone try using the leak sensors for anything other than their intended use, as you could inadvertently damage or ruin your sensor, and it wouldn’t be covered by the warranty. I am simply indicating that I might personally be willing to lose one of my own personal sensors to play around like this for fun and see if I can get it to work in other ways, fully accepting I may ruin my own sensor and being okay with having such fun on the possibility I could get it to be used in other DIY ways.
I bought these to help us fix a situation we encountered this summer. We have a AC system where the pan drain is all the way on the floor. The system leaked badly and we did not notice it till it had lifter a section of our tile floor.
This necessitated replacing 300sq ft of tile (Tile was 30 years old) It was partially covered by insurance but as you are aware this gets to be expensive.
I only wish you could buy more probes to attach to the sensor.
No IP, but unlike the Bluetooth-only Floor Lamp, the leak sensor connects to the Wyze network (using the Hub). So you can run Rules with it. “If [Detects a Leak] then [Sound siren at main building]”. You will also receive the alert on your phone wherever you are.
Small update on my above hypothesis of modifying the sensor/probe with a wire for use in other ways
One can definitely use wires to create a detection/circuit (no surprise there as that’s obviously what the water was doing):
(I loaded the Wyze app up on bluestacks so I could video record both the sensor and the app screen simultaneously)
But I would like to point out that it takes about 3+ seconds of a pretty secure circuit being made to get the status change. The wires barely resting on it weren’t enough, but if I press down on the wire hard enough it will complete the circuit.
Because it takes around 3 seconds I think a contact sensor is quicker on response time than you would get trying to “wire” a leak probe to work as though it is a contact sensor. BUT it could still potentially be useful in some cases that require precision (with a 3 second status delay).
I also tested touching wires to the probe connection on the side of the leak sensor
But touching wires to the probe connection was ignored. I also tried dipping just that side into water…and the first time I tried it I got a notification that the Body of the Sensor detected a leak, but then I tried to replicate it happening again and never could, so I must have somehow splashed water on the underside or something that first time.
Note that touching a wire to the underside of the main sensor body also triggers a leak detection.
None of the above is too surprising. The only significantly new information is how strong of a circuit needed to be made for it to go off (not just the wire resting on it, but needing to be pressed down on it), and that it took 3+ seconds.
So if I was going to try to modify one of these probes to work as a precise contact sensor using wires to make a connection for some other use, I would use a smaller grade wire and possibly consider soddering the wire onto the probe contacts to ensure the connection is really good (Note that this will essentially ruin the probe from it’s regular intended purpose and void the warranty, so please keep that in mind…Probes cost about $5 each to replace though, so I am personally okay with risking one to see if I can modify it into other cool uses).
Honestly though, they are the most useful to me for leaks (as they were intended) or as low water indicators for some things. I just like exploring potential creative uses of things.
I will say though, that I had one by my backyard hose because it leaks a little bit there. And even though it it my hose was leaking onto the cement and getting it all wet, including all the cement under the sensor being wet, it did not go change state to say there was a leak. this is because the sensor body has the metal connectors sit up slightly off the ground. So even though the ground under it was all wet, there wasn’t enough of a water stream to set off the leak sensor to tell me the hose was leaking. At least not for a long time. It did eventually detect it (probably when we were switching hoses to use a sprinkler or something).
So keep in mind that if you want to detect really, really light leaks, the probe does appear to be a bit more sensitive than the sensor body. So use the probe anywhere that you want the highest sensitivity. It has bigger metal contacts that appear to be slightly closer to the ground too, and thus are easier to trigger.
Good tests!
That’s because the probe connector’s magnet activates the port. If you tape a small button magnet on top of the main sensor just after the ‘e’ in Wyze, that will activate the port, and you can use a pair of tweezers or something to fake a leak for test.
I wonder if this modification would fix the ‘submersible’ issue: Not IP-rated, so you can’t really submerge the probe. HOWEVER, if you cut the probe off, then added something like old-style 300-ohm flat antenna wire to it (cable that holds the two wires apart), you would have the magnet at the connector end and a TOTALLY submersible probe at the other! Could be a solution until they come up with a IP-rated probe.
I wonder if setting the sensor on a small cloth segment, piece of TP, or paper towel wouldn’t wick up the water and trigger an alert on simple wet concrete. But you are right, they aren’t just looking for water; they are looking for water accumulating at least 0.030".
I appreciate the response but a) can’t trust battery only power. We are talking Canadian winter where a site visit is expensive. B) Generally no hubs on these premises. Cameras are used as glorified motion sensors.
I will also reiterate my request for a temperature sensor that plugs in, has an IP and is configurable to respond to temperature changes outside a range.
You can… they just happen to be out of stock at the moment, but you can sign up to be notified when available. I also wish I had bought more
How about a solution build on a Raspberry Pi? Just one example:
And, if concerned about power outage (I realize you want a plug in solution), you could use a 12v SLA battery to power the Pi then a Battery Tender (or equivalent) to maintain the battery.
I haven’t done this so take my suggestion with caution.
Both the probe and sensor can be used to detect leaks? Now how in the crap is anyone supposed to know that? No literature came with mine and I just read both the install sections online and there is no mention of that. Wyze could really make their stuff more user friendly by providing better documentation.
Documented on the Website FAQ and in the Quick Start Guide in the box… I won’t lie, I did not read it in the literature before I knew. I saw the option in the app then looked it up who needs instructions… pppfffttttt.
I had my very first live leak, at my kitchen sink! I shouldn’t be this excited about it but I am. This was not a test.
Everything executed as designed.
My Rules set off the camera alarms, (examples above)
I hopped out of my home office chair excusing myself from a user story pointing event, to investigate, shutting the alarm off (three camera Sirens are very loud) from my Shortcut rule enroute to the leak (shown above) to find a very small amount of water that slipped through while my daughter was cleaning her coffee making “devices” (oddly she has a lot, my knowledge of coffee is that it looks like muddy water and tastes like turpentine)
The Wyze leak detector identified the water, sitting next to my other device that I have not retired yet (That device did not detect the water, where the Wyze sensor sits lower to the surface than the other device, obviously alerting me sooner than the non-Wyze device would )
I am very happy with the results!
Yes, I painted the bottom of my cabinet with Flex Seal… and I LOVE IT.
This is great news. Can’t wait to see it be released for Beta or even production. Thanks for providing the information @Dchou
Impressive story. Guess I will need to setup a rule to turn on my sirens and lights. So are you retiring the other one now?
I am, I have 2 of them and they use a “hub” as well…
The 15 wyze leak sensors I have should cover them😉 plus I free up an IP getting rid of the other hub.
Just reviewed the information on the Leak Sensor. I was looking forward to it. However, disappointed that it does not function standalone as the cameras.
(Requires Wyze Home Monitoring Core Starter Kit. This device will NOT function as an individual or standalone product.)
I already have a substantial hard wired alarm monitoring system in my home and it would be too costly to replace as every door, window, and hallway is monitored. I did not see that you can purchase just the hub required.
Little frustrating as hacks on Youtube show how to convert a Wyze camera to a leak detector fairly easy without needing the Monitoring Core Starter kit. I thought I may one day switch to Wyze Monitoring as my old system becomes obsolete and I begin adding Wyze products. However, for now I will probably just get a sensor that is compatible with my current system and extend its investment.
Appears that monitoring must be the revenue goal for now.
Hi Carver, the service team is actually working on getting that ticked off as we speak. There are certain “service” level integration with Noonlight that needs to be qualified and tested before we’re able to get that cost savings for our customers. Hopefully that answers your question. Thank you all again for the great commentary and engagement for these new devices,
Hey! In our current configuration, it wasn’t designed for water level monitoring in the sense of being able to tell if your water level is a couple inches higher or lower. It was designed and tested to be as reliable of a 0 or 1 device as possible. However, I can see a mount or adhesive assembly of some sort to leverage the 0 or 1 notification to tell you if the water level has gone up or down past a certain level and maybe turn on a light bulb when that does happen Long story short, no, but the Wyze community has been able to find smart and creative solutions for their own use case.
Thank you for taking the time for these great responses. It is very much appreciated!
You guys did a great job with these new devices. I am definitely going to be buying several more now that I have tested them and know I really like them! I look forward to you continuing to expand things as you indicated above. Keep up the great work.
Thank you for the response… I am not opposed to tinkering and possibly losing a probe in efforts
I appreciate you jumping back in the discussion and providing your insight.