Add a water leak detector

If we could throw in several water/moisture leak detectors with the new sensor hub, that would be a huge help.

+1 on that! I’d be first in line for that… currently have a wyze cam dedicated to my sump pump for that very reason!


Just a thought but I might be able to rig up a wyze sense switch to some sort of float switch to give me the notification that the water is rising! Just preordered my wyze sense kit and furiously brainstorming ideas!!:thinking::exploding_head::nerd_face:


Oh man, I would love this for my sump pump pit and my whole house water pressure pump. I currently use Accurite wifi water sensors … which work well, but would replace them in a heartbeat with a WYZE water sensor. I’d probably put a WYZE sensor under every sink also!


Would work great as part of new Wyze Sense system


I would love to see a moisture sensor… & a temperature sensor!


These would be great to have all with one provider (Wyze). I have a leak sensor through Insteon. I have a temperature and humidity sensor through SensorPush. We travel for a week or two and would like to be able to turn off the water supply if a leak is detected. We have had family members come home to a flooded basement before. Outdoor camera and video doorbell that is less than $250 would be great.
With all this new automation, please consider all of the above. I loved my 9 Wyze cams, I have ordered 3 sensor startup kits. I am so excited to get my home automated and protected. Thank you so much for all of these great products.


Hi Bill. Welcome to the community and thanks for searching before posting. For the #wishlist topics, it’s important that you click the VOTE button at the top for your “wish” to be counted. I noticed you haven’t done that yet.


After you get you sensor open, tet us know if the contacts for the magnetic reed switch are easy to access.

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I’ll throw my vote in for a leak sensor. I’m using Insteon right now for this sort of thing. However, it feels like Insteon isn’t so keen on development lately, the app is outdated, buggy, and slow, and they haven’t released any new products or updates in awhile. I’d be happy to move my entire eco system of things to Wyze.


@tylerwoodward: Your vote only counts if you click the VOTE button at the top.

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I got it. :slight_smile:

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I converted a sensor into a water sensor. Yes it works the only problem is the wording of the notification. “Water is closed” but whatever I know what it means. Wyze could do this very easily if they listen to my suggestions. For those that want to know how to do it yourself you just need to know how to solder and a little bit of wire. You remove the magnetic reed switch (little glass tube) and solder on the wire. When water touches bother wires it completes the circuit and the notification is sent.


This is awesome!
Until they come out with one themselves, I might try my hand at this as well.
I wonder if there is a way to tap into my existing water detectors for the sensor itself.
I have a few of these:

It seems like I should be able to tap into the wires, so when the circuit completes, it will “close” the door sensor, as well continue on to trigger this alarm which blasts out a loud alarm as well.
I may have to try it this weekend.

You could probably place the Wyze sensor next to the speakers electro magnet. However I don’t know if you can get it close enough without it being effected by the permanent magnet. Worth playing around with. You just have to remember that the Wyze sensor work off of magnetic fields so anything that generates them can be used to set them off. Which means you could probably get notified of anything that uses power if you know what you are doing.

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Definitely a must have. It will be perfect with the newly launched contact and motion sensors. I am planning on investing in a sensor suite. My main need is the water leak sensor. Since Wyze doesn’t support it, I would have to invest in Samsung Smartthings setup.


As you have shown, Wyze could easily add a water detection sensor to WyzeSense. Probably at about the same cost as the contact sensor. The Wifi based water detectors are far to expensive to stick everywhere around the house where you would like to catch a water leak. Good work!


On every house you are worried abour water creeping in some areas

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