Wyze Gun-Safe Open Duration Notification

My biggest fear with a pistol safe, which I use daily, is to accidentally leave it open when I go to work.
If left open accidentally and found, it could be very tempting to young fingers. I purchased this safe hoping the technology in this safe would alleviate my worries. I would like a feature built into the app that would notify me via my phone if the safe is open longer than a fixed duration. Perhaps 1,2,3,4,5, minute options. Please help in upvoting this to appease all of our safety concerns.


You may want to post this as a wishlist item so people can vote for it.

Thank You! thought that was what I was doing. I started in the Wishlist forum but I selected the wrong category once I went to post. Reposted to Wishlist.

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I’ll go find it and vote!

Wishlist item has been posted here:

Closing this topic out. Please continue discussion directly in Wishlist topic.