I’ve had my GDC since 05-11-2022, and for the most part working fine (with the exception of the Auto Close Rule that never worked correctly), anyways, I digress. Where was I… oh yes, I dusted off an old Samsung Galaxy Note 8, installed Alexa on it, attached it to the wall in the Garage, and successfully got it to Turn off lights in the Garage via voice command, as well as Open my Wyze Lock installed on the door between the Garage & the Laundry Room.
So I said to self… let’s see if we can get Alexa to open & close the Garage Door. Not that I have a need for this… but I had to, just because…
A quick Google Search, and it looks like it’s a possibility.
After Deleting the existing Garage Door Cam from Alexa (and renaming it to just “Garage Door” (in Alexa & Wyze), I was able to get it to Open.
I then tried to Close via Alexa. Alexa said as a mater of fact it was closed… My view on the Garage Door Camera begged to differ with Alexa’s assessment of the situation.
I demanded that Alexa CLOSE THE GARAGE DOOR only to be told again by Alexa that the Garage Door was closed…
I was going to attempt a 3rd toung Lashing of Alexa, and before I could utter the words, The Garage Door started closing. Alexa must of knew I meant business this time… or not… who knows… I think Alexa and I were both confused the the door started closing when it did.
I read in the comments here that someone change the duration form 2 secs to 1 sec for the button push… So, heck why not… i’ll play the game.
I changed it to 1 sec.
I politely asked Alexa to Open the Garage Door, then politely provided the 4 digit Pin. The Door Opened, and Alexa and I were friends again.
For a moment that is.
I ask (politely again) for Alexa to close the door.
She blurts out at me that the Garage Door is Closed.
The Garage Door Cam view says otherwise.
I Ponder life for a few seconds, and the Door Starts Closing…
Alexa is Toying with me!
Oh the fun/not fun of Wyze and Alexa playing nice or not playing nice with one another.