Garage Door Controller to Amazon Alexa integration

Please provide Wyze Garage Door Controller to Amazon Alexa integration.

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garage door controller with Alexa

When with We be able to open and close the door with alexa?

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I just finished installing the Wyze garage door controller and it works great from the app. Would love to know when the Alexa integration will be available. Can someone from Wyze comment to let us know? Thanks!


Garage Door Controller-Alexa timeframe

What’s the time frame for when I can say “Alexa, open the garage door?” Or add a sequence so that when I say “time for work” my lights go off and my garage door opens?

Just got finished setting mine up, and it works. But I want it to work with Alexa too.
Says I have to have a Pin Code, but no option to set it in Alexa for the opener, and then too the Camera portion of the Door Controller does not even show up in Alexa. I want to be able to look at my Echo Show see my garage door and tell Alexa to Open or Close it.

Found by one of the Wyze Discord members @tfmm. Thank you!

There appears to be a bug in the Alexa App, but this utility is available.

Open the Alexa App and Navigate to the the Garage Door Controller Device
Touch in the Area Where the Enable Toggle “Should be”.

You will be presented with the option to “Enable open by Voice”

Click Ok

Set your Voice Code Pin x2

And you are done

Great Find and thank you for sharing @tfmm!


Amazing find. I did it and it worked as expected.

Thanks for the information and find @tfmm

Thanks for posting it here @R.Good


Sorry but it does not work for me. There is no hidden spot. It’s been 3 months now that I’m waiting for a fix

Is this ever going to be fixed? There is no hidden option in the alexia app on iOS, I’ve repaired wyze with alexia many times. There is no hidden button as mentioned above, nothing happens when tapping that area. Are current owners abandoned?

The whole line talking about voice is missing

I have had the wyze garage door controller for a while now. it was opening my door by voice without a code. Then it prompts for a code so no big deal. Now it won’t even work with that. Alexa will acknowledge, ask for the pin, accepts the pin but then tells me the device is not connected. It is connected and works from the Wyze app. I removed then added it back, in alexa but still no luck. Alexa tells me to enable the door in the Wyze app but it is enabled. Anyone have similar issue and a work around?

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