Wyze Floodlight, lights staying on

Hi, I have tried to search for my exact problem but was unable to locate it, I just installed the floodlight with the v3 cam yesterday with with a existing light switch, the moment I connected power the floodlights came on with from what I read are supposed to do that but for 30sec! Set up both cam and floodlight’s floodlights still on and can’t get them to shut off, tried resetting both, deleted both started over, killed the switch turned off breaker 30sec turned switch back on, same thing, went through the app trying to make adjustment to no avail. Any thoughts or idea’s would be appreciated!


In theory, just not in reality. My floodlights are on all the time regardless of these settings and have been on since the day I installed it … day, night, motion, no motion, does not matter . Even if I put the floodlight setting to off, it is still one. and i know i can communicate with the cam since it works in my app just fine.

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I have the exact same problem. Did this ever get resolved?


It did. Wyze replaced the light.

I have the floodlight set to off and it still comes on randomly. Does anyone know how to fix this? I’ve already tried both updating and resetting.

I have the same issue, Floodlight control set to off but still randomly comes on at night.

Same issue with two floodlights V1. Flood light is set to off at all times and the brightness at 50%

I noticed when the light comes on, the recording stops as well. I think the camera is rebooting, recording stops, flood lights come on full brightness for 5-10 seconds, then back to normal.

Only noticed it at night, never have the recording gaps during the day. Maybe an over current or over voltage cause the power interruption?