I wonder if “Security improvements” for Cam OG means it doesn’t restart itself anymore automatically after 30 minute of internet outage. Cam V3 beta firmware had the exact same wording in its changelog and that was the only thing changed AFAIK.
Too bad I don’t have Cam OG so I can’t specifically test this.
one of my OG cams updated fine to 1.0.90. The other does not. It says it updated but the next time I check firmware under Device Info it is still at 1.0.84 and prompts to update to 1.0.90 again. Restart on the cam did not help.
Edit: After looking closer I found neither of my two were updated.
The Beta Firmware update for the OG Camera seems to not take. It goes through the process, quickly, and says it has been updated successfully. But then you go back and it is still showing the old Version.
I submitted log: 1728324 for the issue
This is what it shows when update has been completed
same inability and behaviour attempting to upgrade my sole OG from 1.0.84 to 1.0.90(beta). after about 10 sec says all done, but still has 1.0.84 and has not rebooted.
note i seem to recall a few months ago giving Wyze my cameras MAC address with which they ‘pushed’ f/w onto this OG.
Update. It appeared that it updated but when i checked again it had not. Did this several times still not updated. Now shows no updates available and its on 1.0.84.