That seems like a separate issue entirely. I don’t think it’s a matter of power in your townhouse, because the Cam Floodlight v2 would be wired to the home’s ~110-120 V AC power, not the low-power output from your doorbell transformer. If you have devices going offline, then that may be more indicative of a Wi-Fi signal or other Internet connectivity problem (if we assume that the Cam Floodlight v2 was installed/wired correctly and in a place where your previous Cam Floodlight wasn’t having issues). The connectivity problem might be in the Cam Floodlight v2 itself, so one of the first things I’d do for that (which is a separate issue) is to check/update the firmware, because of this: (June 10, 2024)
- Fixed intermittent device offline issues
No. Those wires are for the higher-voltage side of the transformer that wires into your junction box if/when you remove your existing transformer. Installing this should be relatively similar to installing your Cam Floodlight: Once inside the junction box, you’ll connect black-to-black, white-to-white, and green-to-ground. When electricity is applied, the device then transforms the current to the lower-voltage side that your doorbell can handle, and it will use the existing 2-conductor wire (no real “ground” carried with this) to power the doorbell and chime.
The two wires you see currently (at least what you’ve showed in a photo) are from the low-voltage side of the transformer, unless you’ve taken your current transformer off the wall to look inside the junction box.
If you’ve installed your Cam Floodlights into junction boxes, then you should be able to do this, as well.
If you’ve flipped a breaker and lost power to your doorbell, then that sounds like you’ve found the right circuit. If you don’t have a multimeter to test (and I use a cheap-o Harbor Freight model that has served me well) and/or don’t want to procure one, then I’d suggest using (or obtaining) one of those non-contact voltage testers. That’s an easy and safe way to test and ensure that you’re not working inside a hot junction box.
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That’s probably true, but I don’t have the knowledge or experience to make that kind of judgement, so I tend to be cautious.