Why I don’t see Wyze contact sensors on Amazon any more. I was about to buy some to monitor some windows - not seeing any of these on Amazon puzzles me. I do see it on Wyze website, but not on Amazon. Any reason?
Well to the Wyze community!
I noticed this too! This is a good question for the @WyzeTeam.
I didn’t know they were ever on there. I wish they were because I need another set and don’t want to buy the whole camera/wyze sense starter set from Home Depot or have to wait a long time ordering from Wyze.
Maybe it’s a price point thing as discussed in the much beloved “$10 shipping” thread?
A number of business owners I have spoken with complain bitterly about Amazon’s fees and requirements - especially for lower priced items.
So Wyze makes you buy a starter set bundle from any reseller to get a certain minimum chunk of money when Wyze is not getting the S&H vig…??
Well, you could always get the set from Amazon instead!
The problem I face is that I cannot see it in Amazon to buy it - even a starter kit. Not only that, for some reason, I cannot buy it from Wyze website either. When I add the starter kit or anything else for that matter to the cart - it says the added to the cart - but the cart is empty - I cannot buy it. I have tried on iPhone, iPad, Mac - with Safari and Chrome nothing works. Need to contact Wizen tomorrow regarding this
I tried adding the contact sensors to a Wyze cart and got “you need to choose options for your item”. Then I selected the same thing again, added again, and it worked …