When will we see wyze sense on amazon?

When will we see wyze sense on amazon?

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I have same question, I saw on a post here, would be available via retailers at launch.

The starter sense kit is available on ebay for $69.

Wow!!! What a markup! :frowning: I’m excited I did order my kit today directly from Wyze, and I can’t wait to try it out.

Wyze bundle available on amazon - sense starter kit and Wyze Cam v2, 47.99, 1 - 2 MONTHS SHIPPING, LOL


Well, that’s the camera WITH the starter kit. I already have plenty of cameras, only want the starter kit from now.

I think they were laughing because both are in stock here.

Have you tried ordering any of the Sense?
I ordered on May 8th and they are out for delivery TODAY, May 11th.
Unfortunately they are being delivered to a home I won’t be at until Tuesday :slight_smile: :frowning:

Yep, mine will be here Monday. :grin:

Usually ships within 1-2 months…lol

Does anyone know how long it took them to get the Wyze Cam V2 and Pan on amazon after they launched for sale from Wyze directly?

What is happening with this sense on Amazon? It was 2-4 months dispatch and after out of stock and it is still out of stock???!!!
I am getting fed up with this waiting and Wyze because they do not care everybody outside of US.
Looks like I am never going to get the Sense and the bulbs too here in the UK.

Hi Guys, what’s going on? Still no wyze sense on amazon aside from the starter kit? International customers just being left in the cold… I desperately want to get like 10 motion sensors and I just can’t. Are there plans to list this or should I look at alternate solutions that are more available?