Marvin loves his new ride!
I’m in the minority, I know, But I just got the wyze car delivered this morning, and within 15-20 minutes, I had it assembled and had the new black V2 camera that I purchased last week ,installed, flashed and running… This is a great little toy…
I’ve already had it for a cruise around the house and personalized it with some “eyes”
I’ve had it running for about an hour and a half now, and it’s still showing all 4 LEDs lit on the battery pack…
…and I think I’ve solved the problem of people who want it to be charged all the time…
get one of these magnetic charging cables, (See attached pic), and leave it plugged in… drive away from the plug, and the cord will pop right off…
…now maybe if you had the cord hanging, you could back the thing up to the cord, and it might attach itself again… (The magnet on the cord pulls from about an inch and a half away), but that might be asking a bit much… It would hard to see in reverse…
Rube Goldberg to the rescue.
(If you don’t know who Rube was, Google it …you’ll get a laugh)
I’ve got another one of those magnetic charging cables on order from Amazon, so I’ll give it a try, and report back after Christmas…
Lastly, a couple of tips on initial setup…
I used a brand new V2 cam, and set it up using the wyze car app… “Add new camera”…
I never used the main wyze app at all.
… and was pleasantly surprised, when I saw the new RoboCam sitting atop the list of cameras…