Pretty much same here. Car arrived just yesterday. I played around with it for a while, set it aside to eat dinner and got sidetracked. About an hour later I realized no lights and the app cannot connect to it. I don’t know about any heat, only that it was working and then it was dead. Factory reset procedure doesn’t do anything. No sounds from the camera, no lights either, Hope they don’t expect people to buy a new camera. I have one other V2 but if this thing kills cameras, I’ll just have to pass. Kinda surprised though. i’ve been fortunate with all my Wyze products. It’s not typical, just unfortunate.
Beware got my Wyze Car 10 hours ago. Fried one camera. Then tried the spare and fried that one. All that one does is click now the other one is toast. I’m really surprised at Wyze they had a good reputation of quality products. Now with this it has declined considerably . I am not going to trouble shoot for them I will just warrantee both items. My time is also money.
Just plugged in the camera to the car full battery. As soon as the camera plugged in the battery lights blinked and shut down. Battery will stay on provided the cameras not plugged in. Sound like the battery fried two cameras.
I know that it made by a 3rd party wyze puts there name on it,we buy Motorola radios and we put our name on it same thing,it’s all under warranty go do a warranty replacement at Wyze
Everything Wyze sells is made by a 3rd party. So what was the point of bringing it up? It read like you were trying to assign blame elsewhere. It’s a Wyze product. It’s damaging other Wyze products. They need to replace the fried cameras and figure out what’s causing the problem and replace that as well.
I enjoyed my Wyze Car quite a bit until it fried the camera. I want it to work.
I did contact support. I got a canned reply that ignored everything I said in my ticket. Super annoying when tech support blows you off.
I await a response from someone actually reading the ticket.
In the meantime, I hope people will continue to add to this thread if they’ve had cameras fried. Often it takes a lot of people complaining for something to get past a help desk (at any company) to managements attention.
Yes, They seemed to be ignoring that the Wyze Car is involved and just focused on the camera, offering to replace it as a warranty failure.
So I repeated my concern that the Wyze Car might have damaged the camera, risked damaging the replacement, and asked for the ticket to be escalated.
I wouldn’t be surprised if “Nicole” is a bot. The replies are disconnected from what I’m explaining to them and read like copy pasted scripts. It’s extremely frustrating, but given the cost of the cameras I guess to be expected. Tech support humans are very expensive.
I also had this same problem with my Wyze car. Worked fine for a few days than the V2 camera quit working (I bought the camera & the car at the same time). I got with Wyze and they replaced the camera. Got the new cam and the same thing happened. After a few runs on the car it stopped working. Again Wyze replaced the camera (they said they didn’t think it was the car), and guess what? NO REALLY GUESS… Yup camera fried (if you keeping count that’s 3 so far.) Wyze than replace EVERYTHING - camera, car, & battery pack. Everything’s fine (so far) Even though it took a while I do need to thank them for not giving up and saying “Oh Well”. Cust. service did pull through for me… BTW the rubber straps lasted 2 days before they broke, now I just use rubber bands.
Hey Jonathan, If you saw my earlier post you’ll see I went through 3 cameras before I got a 4th camera AND a new car and power pack. Wyze stood be me on all these returns and paid postage so I can’t get too upset. I also tried all the things you did to no avail. Once I got the new car & power pack everything’s been working fine. I have a usb power meter I even used to see if the car or batter pack was putting out to much power (they where both fine). If you’re camera is still under warranty (or not very far over) I would recommend going through Wyze cust. service. The few times I’ve needed them they’ve always done their best to help me out. I’d be afraid you might have the same problem as me and just fry another camera…